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 Kai's POV

Nikita came back to the suite after a day in observation. That was a month and half ago. Something had changed immediately after her arrival back in my life. It was a new start. She was giving herself time and space. And it wasn't like she ignoring me.

No, it much more natural. She no more seemed like a girl whose sole aim was to be an eye candy. She was hanging out with Hilary, and the other girls, training and making genuine friends.

In the last month, at least, she hadn't once talked about seducing someone or going on dates. Well, she wasn't doing anything intentionally. Boys couldn't help but be attracted to her, whatever she did. She was charming, no doubt.

Tonight I watched from a distance as she sat in a huge group laughing, head tilted slightly. I had never seen, in three championships, members of so many teams sit together without a hint of animosity.

She, Enrique and Brooklyn initiated a toast to Mariah for her victory today evening and the others followed suit. The pink haired girl blushed a little, and looked around discreetly, her eyes landing on Ray beside me. Somehow, almost telepathically, he was already looking at her, his glass raised in a toasting manner.

Mariah smiled and raised her glass too. Then she nodded her head and turned back to the throng of people sitting beside her, immersing herself back in chatter.

My eyes landed back on the table where Nikita was now talking to Julia.

Momentarily their eyes found mine. Nikita smiled widely, the corners of her eyes crinkling. Julia squinted her eyes at sight of me, as if unable to decide if I was worth smiling at or not. I ignored her and smiled back at Nikita. At the moment Julia, satisfied I was worthy, grinned at me, flashing her straight, white teeth. Unable to decide what to do, I returned my eyes back to my food and whatever Max was saying.

Dinner ended soon and twenty minutes later we found ourselves heading back to our suites to sleep. Nikita, Hilary, Mariah and Brooklyn parted from the huge group of people they were sitting with at dinner and joined us as we headed to the same wing. Slowly Brooklyn tailed behind preferring solitude while the girls joined us. I continued talking to Max as Nikita crept up behind us.

"So! What're you discussing?" She butted playfully in the conversation throwing an arm around our shoulders.

"Just about how annoying you are," I said. Max chuckled as three of us fell into step comfortably.

"Oh as if! Admit it I'm the one keeping you sane!" She pinched my cheek.

"What's that going to prove?" I asked huffing.

"Come on Maxie, don't you think I make our captain dear that much more tolerable?"

"Agreed wholeheartedly Nick." Max laughed gallantly jogging out of my reach.

Nikita flipped her hair aside, casually leaning against my chest. Her frame racked with the peals of lively laughter, the sound like music to my ears. In this short time she had already occupied a large portion of my limited happy memories.

We walked steadily towards our wing when I felt eyes on my back. I slowed down and turned behind. There were only the Fernandez twins – Raul and Julia, and Judy, Emily and Michael walking towards their wings.

"Kai? Something up?" Nikita asked. I realised the rest of the team too was waiting and looking at me.

"Didn't you all feel someone staring at you?" I asked.

"No. You did?" Hilary asked face concerned.

"I'm sure he's going nuts." Ray joked turning back to Mariah.

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