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The sun was well below the horizon when I woke up. It was a lazy day and I could just feel it in the air - I didn't want to wake up, practice or do anything for the matter. I felt lazy.

I could hear chattering outside by the time I rubbed sleep out of my eyes.

"You're up!" Ray flashed that big, agitating grin of his the moment I stepped out of my warm, cosy haven.

"And?" I ask.

"We're playing Spin the Bottle. Come, we'll probably adjust you in the circle," the short girl with purple hair jostled. She was sitting on the black leather sofa huddled together.

"I don't have time for frivolities," I answer simply, cursing myself for leaving the room before dinner.


"Leave it Nick," Max put a hand on her back and leads her back to the game. "He never plays."

I should probably have become angry; instead, surprising even myself, I calmly looked at her in the eye. "See?"

"Geez, you're so crabby."

I shook my head at her statement and plopped down on a suede brown bean bag.

"He's always like this?" She asked someone in a whisper.

"I can still hear," I said and saw her turn away in embarrassment.

Dinner time rolled around eventually and we all left the suite quickly. Tyson was leading the group, of course, and Max and Kenny were in tow. Hilary and Ray were talking about someone called Akira. I looked around to find the short purple haired girl. I didn't know why, but I just did.

She was trailing several feet behind us, looking slightly awkward. She looked around for a while until her eyes landed on me.

I raised a brow as she stopped fiddling with the hem of her blue dress.

"Don't be so slow." I said, putting a monotonous edge.

"Sorry," she muttered and quickly fell in step with me.

I looked at the luxurious corridor of the hotel. The walls were a sharp white with miniature fish tanks embedded in the wall. The floor was made of shiny black stones and neon lights were fixed on the edges. Several modern chandeliers were hung at several spaces.

"Reminds of home, huh?" Nikita asked out of blue.

"Hmm... no, too flashy."

"My home in India is not so flashy either, but the one in Glasgow is more like this," she said.

"You're from Glasgow?" The image of one certain ginger from Glasgow came to me abruptly.

"My mum is, so I've spend a lot of time there too."

I nodded and nothing more was said. I looked at her from the corner of my eye and saw she was perfectly calm. Her hands were tucked in her pocket and her head, barely reaching my shoulders was straight ahead. Right now, she looked like a proper Blader I wanted. Ready to win.

We crossed the gates of our wing and stepped out in the campus where warm wind was blowing. I saw the White Tigers and Blitzkrieg Boys along with a plenty of other smaller teams making their way to the diner, or in the case of Barthez Battalion, simply talking.

We were a few metres away from the diner, when a team appeared from the wing opposite to us.


I turned my head away from those spoiled brats and continued walking until I realised the four were walking towards me. Or us.

"Nikita!" The Scottish ginger waved a hand at the short girl beside me.

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