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Kai's POV

Two days of relaxing and now we were back to practicing. I lead my team to practice. People were set up against each other while I discussed techniques with Kenny. Ray and Tyson, however, were the only group actually training. Max and Nikita were a whole different story. Max's blade circled in the dish, protecting itself from heavy, dangerous blows. Nikita's face was contorted with rage. She wasn't doing any special attacks per se. She just attacked, continually and mercilessly and without a pause.

Half an hour later, Max's skin shone with sweat as he barely gathered the strength to stay on feet. Hilary and Kenny had picked up the suspicious vibe too.

"Nikita!" Ray interjected firmly. "You're being too rough on Maxie!"

I gripped the edge of my chairs so that my knuckles turned white as Ray held her shoulders tightly. Tyson's Dragoon flew in and her blade flew out.

"What the hell are you doing?" I felt satisfaction creep in my veins as I heard Ray's anger laced voice.

Her eyes widened as if realization had dawned her suddenly.

"I—I am sorry Ra—Max! I... My mind was somewhere totally... I am really sorry." Ray let go of her shoulders, the angry expression not leaving his face.

Nikita's lower lip wobbled as she walked out limply – looking like she may fall at any second now.

"I told you all the first night," I said. I leaned my head towards the wall and closed my eyes as Tyson looked at me and back again at the door where she had left.

"Seriously? I think she's in a mental turmoil." I could practically see Kenny shaking his head and agreeing at Tyson's statement.

"I think she is just mental. Period."

Nikita's POV

I didn't see my steps and got cursed at by at least five different people before reaching my room. My forehead and temple pounded with pain and my ears rung like someone had played heavy metal at full music. My lungs were on fire – either from running or an oncoming panic attack.

I tore open my T-shirt and tried the brass knob of the bathroom thrice before it gave away. I turned on water in the crystal cut sink and sprinkled cold water on my face. The white of my eyes had vanished, giving way to red veins and pools of tears that were forming rapidly. My hands and legs shook and my mouth was dry.

I went out and dialled mom's number. I held my breath as the ring, tring sounded again and again. I didn't care that it was very early morning back home. Or that mom would be alarmed.

"Nikki? Are you okay honey? Why didn't you call us in so long? How are your practices going?" Mum maintained a constant voice despite the early morning call after weeks.

I tried to speak but all I could manage was deep breaths. My throat was too dry for words.

"Is my lass okay?" She said after a pause.

"I want to come back home mummy! I don't want to stay here. I can't do it!"

"Shh... I'll make the arrangements for my kid." Mum was fully alert now. "I don't care what. If you are uncomfortable I'll get you back!"

I sobbed a weak thank you in return. "Are you keeping healthy? Did you eat something yet?"

"Yes mum. I'll call you later." I didn't wait for mum to stop me and cut the call. The tears had dried and I felt empty in my chest but my mind was whirring. I wondered what was happening.

Two hours later, my stomach was rumbling too much to ignore. I was still nauseous and wobbly but I could no longer ignore the hunger. I pulled on a new shirt and untangled my hair before leaving. Usually, except for practice, I never took the elevator but right now I felt sure I would fall and faint if I used the stairs.

My team didn't bother meeting my eyes nor did I while we sat two tables away in the diner. I forced food through my dry throat trying to keep a straight face. Everything tasted like sawdust. I was the last to walk in the diner but first to leave as well. You can't eat a lot of sawdust even if you're hungry.

I was sitting against a tree in shade. It must have been about an hour when I heard shoes crunching the grass as someone walked up to the hilly park. The shade hid me well. I peeked from the tree and saw a blue-grey haired boy strolling aimlessly. He tore a leaf in his hand with delicate movements brow furrowed in deep thought. I wondered if he would have noticed me anyway with the deep thinking he was doing.

Right now as I felt sickly I longed for company. I would've loved company but Hilary's words from last night still haunted me. Too early could destroy relationships.

Drawing a deep breath I sat straight again looking at the plain grass rolling till I could see and blue sky. Endless. Permanent beautiful things unlike me. Unlike my broken relations. Unlike my broken heart and sick body.

I closed my eyes concentrating all my attention on the ever growing headache and numbness in my body, willing it to go away. I bit into my lip tasting warm blood but the pounding sensation grew and grew. I tried to think of something that may have happened to trigger such reactions from my body.

You slept well. Check. You ate well. Check. You took your medicines. Check—

I hadn't increased the dose of my medicines for my neurological condition. My hands, lips and eyelids began to grow heavy.

I could still hear Kai strolling a few yards away.

"Help—help me..." I couldn't comprehend if I was shouting or murmuring or if even any voice slipped from my mouth.

The surroundings grew blur and unfocused and I heard a voice in parts. Then it was all like being suspended in a void that I was all too familiar with. In this void I could never tell how long it had been, or what it was like. It was uncomfortable and painful at a degree that is beyond words but also beyond remembering. I would forget it later.

All I would remember is the face looking down at me after I woke up. The one I was sure I had never expected...

hah! I've officially run out of excuses. 

I don't know when you can expect another update... It'll come. I know the story line and I am following it. I hope you're not looking for a quick romance - it's a slow-burn. 

Also I am NOT bs-ing it.  Any-who, who do you think she saw when she woke up that she didn't expect. Thanks!

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