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Nikita POV

Kai seemed a lot distant during the meet. But probably we all were. Tomorrow was the opening ceremony and I think everyone was in their world. Little to no comments were passed by anyone except whatever our captain told. Tomorrow we'd know the first two teams who would battle against each other - and after that the next teams. We had to stay on our toes!

That excitement already filled me to the brim but more than that, I was excited for tonight. I hadn't been on a date for a few months now, plus every new person is different. The result was I forgot half the talk just after it was over.

There would be an opening ceremony tomorrow morning and we had to dress formally. The first match would start after an early lunch. That's basically all I remembered. Shameful I know.

"What are you excited about?" Hilary asked when we both separated from the boys for our leisure time.

"Nothing?" I shrugged, fighting a small smile.

"Really? You're all jumpy." She sat down with a sigh on the diner seat. It was buzzing with a few people having a snack.

"Maybe I'll tell you." I left her hanging for gossip and went to fetch apples for both of us. When I returned she was basically on the edge of her seat.

"What," she bit in the apple, "is it?"

"Someone asked me out." I whispered. Her amber eyes went wide as she hurriedly chewed the small amount of apple in her mouth.


"I'll tell you tomorrow. After it's over - I don't know yet if it's worth the excitement yet." For the rest of the hours I couldn't get her off my back. She was constantly digging up dirt until the time I kicked her out of my room to change. I dressed up in a short skirt and crocheted crop top, quickly did my hair and then I was out. I had to make sure no one was following me for a while - hopefully no one was.

Hilary had promised she won't, Tyson just knew I was going out and well I don't think Ray and Max would come after me. That'd be downright weird. Kai wasn't even in the suit; I think he was with Mr. Dickinson for some paperwork. I don't know.

Tala was waiting in the campus, a little away from my wing, arms folded and staring straight at the way. His eyes drifted over me and he gave a very small smile, barely there. I walked in the same slow pace towards him, making every second count. I was poised until something stopped right near me.

A Beyblade to be precise.

I shielded my face and yelled, much to my embarrassment, as a beast appeared out of nowhere.

"Are you okay?" A panicked, girly voice caught my attention, coming from a few feet away.

"Yea..." My hands dropped to the sides as Ming-Ming picked up her blade.

"Sorry, Venus ran out of control!"

"Oh! It's okay. I am fine." I waved my hand and she gave an apologetic smile before walking away again.

"Did it hurt you?" Tala ran up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. His voice was laced with confusion and concern. Had I misjudged him?

"N-no..." Words were lost to me as I turned to face him. Now that he was close enough I was mesmerised by him. My heart swelled up with happiness, feminine instincts and love.

"Good. Let's go." I looked at him like an idiot as he led the way. He was so, so tall. His voice. My mind was jammed up and I heard every word that left his mouth but I couldn't register anything. I just kept following him, like a... I don't know. No analogy could describe how I felt then.

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