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Nikita's POV

I straightened my hair and made my way to the hallways leading to the changing rooms. I stopped outside the door, my feet turning to stone. I couldn't force my legs to take another step and open the door. I felt extremely weak and numb.

I saw my reflection in the shiny wall and took out the Concealor from my pocket. I applied it on my neck and collarbone and used a cotton swap to blend it with my skin.

Nothing looked abnormal about my reflection and yet I felt like I was being watched like a lab rat, naked and hungry.

Finally I held the doorknob, steadying my breath. I hadn't received a call from anyone; neither my parents nor my cousin nor Enrique. Things must be fine. Johnny hadn't found us; maybe he would have dismissed the thought when he found Enrique in his bed before himself.

"Hey guys!" I put as much bounce as I could in my voice and opened the door leaning in. "Ready for the match?"

Inside the room Robert was sitting in his armour. His eyes travelled instinctively towards the door, along with Oliver and then both of them looked away hastily. But I couldn't care less. My eyes were instead fixed on someone else.

My dear cousin had his hands wrapped around a specific blond Italian's throat. Johnny's armour was placed on a bench, apart from the lower boots and pants which he had already worn. His face was morphed in a look of pure rage, cheeks redder than I had ever seen. He didn't look up to acknowledge me. He just said, "Close the bloody door. And sit down!"

I closed the door behind me and sat down, barely, on the edge of a bench. Only half an hour or so was left before the first match. And Blitzkrieg Boys would be quick to take benefit of their internal quarrel and lack of unity.

"NIKITA SINGH!" Johnny thundered.

I shuddered; he rarely used my full name. Sister or cousin were among his preferred choices.

"Why were you with him last night?" His voice was low and firm. He didn't flinch as he jerked Enrique's neck and walked towards me. The boy gasped for air behind him while Johnny strode towards me.

"We went out for dinner." I mumbled. I couldn't force my voice any higher. He held my wrist in a tight grip.

"Look at me when I am speaking." I hated his bossy way. I loved him, he definitely had a heart of gold and he was doing this with intention of good. But I hated how he was interfering with my life. Yet I complied. I looked straight in his eyes as he spoke.

"Are you both deprived of food here?" He pointed a hand behind him at the blond boy. I gasped when I saw Enrique. His face was swollen at the cheek and I suspected his nose had bled a while ago. A blue-green bruise was starting to form on his left eye. And yet he looked defiant. "I asked you something!"

"No." I answered. "We get food here."

"Do you like each other? Are you a couple?" There was no undertone of curiosity, just a murderous rage.

"No." We both answered simultaneously. "It was a onetime thing."

"Good." He freed my wrist with a jerk. "This leaves no room for discussion. You'll not see each other again."

"No Johnny." Enrique winced as he stood from the bench. There seemed to be a limp in his walk. I wondered how badly Johnny had beaten him. "I'll see her till she asks me to stop. You aren't a dictator!"

I admired his courage, but right now, it was stupidity. "Shut up. You are not being spoken to Enrique."

"Why Big Brother?" I asked with a hint of anger finally. "He's right you aren't ruling my life. I won't let you rule."

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