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Nikita's POV

I looked out of the window; my eyes were fixed on the street lights outside. My chest and stomach hurt from laughing too much. And the weight of guilt. I was guilty for constantly thinking about my captain during the whole meal. But as a friend I enjoyed myself thoroughly.

My blond companion's eyes twinkled as he recounted a tale of his family. He was dressed in a thin casual blazer-jacket, a white T shirt and denim pants. He looked cute and effortlessly charismatic. But, I didn't feel attracted to him in the same way. Any who, I tried my best to enjoy the time.

We were finishing up our dinner, laughing gallantly over the last remaining portion of our shared cake. I sighed and looked out of the window in an attempt to stifle the laughter. That's when I caught the sight of a man walking in the hotel. Two men in black suits followed him, and though the two men were taller they struggled to match their leader's strides.

I gasped as I caught the site of the leading man's side profile. I couldn't mistake him. Never.

"Enrique!" I pulled at his hand which was on the table. "We need to leave!"

"What? Why?" He began in a relaxed but confused tone.

"It's him. Look!" I pointed outside the window on our left. Enrique's grip on my hand loosened as he looked out.

Jonathan McGregor was coming for us.

"He'll kill you!" I said getting up quickly. "If he comes in, he won't hesitate from causing a scene."

"I know, I know." He haphazardly put some cash in the bill folder and tip on the desk and then leapt up. "Let's go."

My breath was caught up in my throat as we approached the door. Johnny's guards were standing, probably keeping surveillance while he made a talk at the reception.

"Keep my hair away from sight Enrique." I whispered. "They're just too striking."

We made it out in one piece, and heaved a sigh of relief. I looked inside the glass gates and saw Johnny arguing with a staff member and chuckled. Typical.

"Are you actually chuckling?" Enrique asked as we slid back in his warm car.

"Yeah... I am pretty sure he's acting on my dad's orders." I again looked out. "Mum's pretty chill, but Dad isn't too cool with guys."

"Oh... I know. I am not lying when I say I have been harassed by dads many times." He smiled finally, removing his blazer and rolling up the sleeves.

"So now question of the night Nikita," he said.

I bit my lip uncertainly. I really hoped he wasn't going to ask me out. I wouldn't be able to say YES. And it'd be a shame to disappoint him after the evening. Even though I was sure he didn't want to actually date me. It was a one and done thing.

"Hmm?" I looked outside again; just to be sure we weren't being chased by a ginger madman.

"How did he know where to look for us?" He ran a hand through his hair, in a deep thought.

I hesitated, weighing my options. It probably wouldn't be wise to tell him I had shared my live location with my captain.

"Uh... I had shared my live location with my mum in the morning. It must be mum..." I cringed as he nodded, closing his eyes.

Not much was said except me telling him clearly how it was only a one and done deal. He agreed too, happy we were on the same page.

"No I am like really happy you said that first." Enrique said once we reached the BBA hotel campus. "I am not really into the typical dating thing."

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