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"Enrique!" I yelled out as soon I was able to make out the mess of blond curls and blue eyes looking down at me. Or, at least I tried to yell.

Instead I gasped in my oxygen mask resulting in loud beeping from various monitors in the room.

"Hey easy, there! If you pass out again I'll get my ass kicked here too." He rubbed my arm soothingly.

"Why are you here?" I asked. I realised my voice was coming extremely low and weak, and the mask didn't help.


He leaned closer to my face, a kind expression setting in his features. "Why are you here?" I tried again with more effort, as my lungs protested due to lack of oxygen.

"Oh that!" He chuckled. "You were slipping in and out of consciousness for two days now so we all took chances sitting by you so you would wake up to a familiar face."

A million questions swam through my mind but I asked what seemed most sensible at the time. "How long was I out?"

He counted on his fingers then flashed five fingers before me. Nearly a week. It didn't seem like that long had passed.

"Who brought me here?" I asked sceptically.

"Your brother of course. He was crying so badly, you should've seen him. Anyway, Kai brought you to your room because you were muttering something. But I guess Jonathan knew the severity so he drove you here."

"He didn't call mum and dad, did he?"I asked suddenly afraid.

"He did obviously, but—" he sighed as if he didn't approve of Johnny's actions, "he convinced them to not rush here."

"Where's he now?"

"I think Rob convinced him to take rest at the hotel today. Well I gotta go and call the doctor okay...?" He smiled at me. "Just stay put."

I couldn't manage a smile due to the sudden wave of lethargy. I think he understood it. I followed his retreating figure until he was out of the room then closed my eyes as weakness conquered me again.

"Can I—can I come in?" I opened my eyes and looked at door. Kai was standing there uncertainly. I raised my fingers in a V, trying to tell him to enter.

Kai's POV

I watched Enrique leave her room and walk towards the doctor's cabin. Had she woken up? I tentatively tipped towards the room to catch her closing her eyes and shuffling slightly.

"Can I—can I come in?" I asked. She raised her fingers in affirmative. My heart broke as I walked closer to her. Not even in my wildest dreams had I imagined to see her like this. My mind reeled back to five days ago. I had heard my name in her voice. At first I hadn't wanted to answer her. I was angry and sad. But then I saw her seizing hand.

She was seizing so violently, her eyes rolled back. At that moment it was like a puzzle had fit in my mind. I couldn't leave her. I would do anything to have her. I took her back. The feeling of her cold body against my arms was terrifying.

The last five days had passed by like a colourless blur where my constant thought was fear of losing her.

I took a seat beside her bed as she opened her eyelids very slightly, breathing laboured. "Thank you Kai..." She said putting every possible effort.

I bit my lip looking at her, attached to several monitors, beeping rhythmically. I took her free hand and clasped it tightly. I didn't care if anyone found out. I didn't care for anything right now. All I cared was this person, lying here on brink of death thanking me.

"Don't thank me." I emphasised, gripping her hand. She squeezed back ever so slightly. "Don't do this again you fucker!"

"Do what?" She asked lowly, a subtle undertone of teasing present.

"Abandon me like that."

"When you found me—how bad was I?" she asked again.

I averted my gaze as she breathed soundly in the mask. Her breath hitched as she tried to say something but failed to. Tears brimmed her eyes and rolled down her cheeks as she did nothing to hold them in. The sobs racked her body. "I don't want to die Kai. I don't want to die."

"You won't—not on my watch." I am sure I was gripping her hand too tightly but I didn't care. I kissed her on the cheek, holding her shoulder as she let the tears flow.

"I want to love you so badly Kai. I do." She whispered savouring the kiss.

"What stops you then?" I heard desperation in my voice as she tried to speak.

"I don't know. I don't fucking know." The lack of oxygen made her voice sound wheezy as she cried.

"Promise me – today. I'll give you one year before I ask you the question again Nikita. One year." I looked at her seriously. That was the time.

"I'll try captain! I'll!" She sniffed extending her arm for a hug. I leant down hugging her, holding longer than friends do. I planted a last kiss on her forehead. You have one year.

"Hello sir. If you could stand aside please." The doctor had walked into the room, said to me, followed on his heels by Enrique.

I stood beside Enrique. "Did you call Johnny?" I asked. He had been worried sick.

"Oh shoot! He'll kill me!" Enrique cursed stepping out of the room. I too looked at her again, then walked out. One year.


Hilary sighed for the umpteenth time. Her mind was constantly remembering Nikita's conversation with her. She felt the girl had been right to some extent. She was constantly thinking there would be a right time when she and Tyson would magically become a couple, things would be always right and they'd have no fights. But what part of that was realistic. Didn't you always have to make your own path? Own destiny?

"Is there actually any right time?" Hilary muttered twisting her hair around her finger.

"Hey Hil!" She snapped out of her trance as Tyson filled the space beside her on the couch. "Kai called! They say Nikita's finally awake!"

"That's great news." She smiled. It really was. But she couldn't forget what she was thinking about.

"Tyson... do you remember a pact we made in preschool? We used to be friends then."

"We are friends today too!" He turned towards her. "What pact did we make?"

"Oh it was nothing... you had said if we both graduated school without a partner you know we'd give each other a chance..."

"Yeah I remember now!" Tyson chuckled, looping a hand around Hilary. "I was really stupid then."

Her heart plummeted but she smiled back. "You're stupid even today."

"But I mean look at me. I had you all along and I was still placing you as second option." He laughed casually not pausing to realise what he had spoken. 

"What?!" Hilary jerked towards him with an exasperated expression. "You could have made your confession a bit special you know, you blithering idiot? Considering it took you so long!"

"My conf- what?" He looked panicked as the ruby eyed girl stared at him.

"Oh my lord!" Hilary held his shirt and pulled him down in a kiss silencing him efficiently. 

She knew she was strong girl and she was going to make this relationship work with her own efforts.

kill me i know i'm late! i'm sorry.vote, comment and share! as always :)

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