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Read some bits of last chapter in case you've forgotten because it HAS been too long ❤️

Sorry for any typos. I actually read and reread and re-reread it but Wattpad automatically creates some errors for me when I publish, I have observed.

Kai's POV

I woke up quite later than usual. Due to the mixed feelings I had yesterday I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to sleep, so I had popped a few sleeping pills but now I was paying the price. Even Tyson was up and sipping his cup of coffee when I got ready. It had been a while since I felt so well rested but I was paying the damn price.

I was supposed to pick up a battle with Ray but he and Hilary had already left. Nikita, as usual, was the first to leave. 

"Ha! Kai! Even you're late today!" Max snickered as I hurriedly put on my shoes.

I gave him an unimpressed look. He took the hint and shut his mouth concentrating on polishing his blade. 

"Well, I had hoped you would be even late so I could feed you a red chili too." I looked at Tyson bewildered.

Feed me chili?

"I haven't forgotten what you did to me in the Asian tournament!"

Oh that! Those were some fun days...

A small smile made its way on my lip. I was finally ready and I jogged out of the suite leaving the two to get ready while Kenny had his lie in. That bastard didn't have to get up early. My envy towards him had no limits.

Downstairs I almost walked past someone who was clearly waiting for me. I wasn't used to being waited like this.

Julia was dressed in a black training outfit with her long brown hair tied in a ponytail.

"Hi!" She perked up as she caught up with me. So you see, she is tall and hence easily dropped a small, soft kiss on my cheek.

The resulting feeling was slightly strange. I had liked, loved, teasing Nikita for her height. I had loved when she couldn't even pull my cheeks if I stood on tiptoes.

"Something wrong? You didn't respond to me," Julia interjected. Her visage was concerned as she kept a hand on my shoulder.

"Uh," I began uncertainly, "I... Nothing. Just sleepy."

"Oh, couldn't sleep well last night huh?"

"Yeah... You? Did you?" I looked away. Her stare was becoming too intense.

"Oh, no problem like that. I slept well." We started walking again. Gradually, I didn't realise when, Julia looped her fingers through mine. They were relaxed, contrary to mine. I felt guilty today...

"So, this is where we part." I stopped at the gym and she looked towards the park where she and Raul practiced in isolation.

"I guess..."

I observed her eyes which lingered on my lips. My brain went on autopilot as I took hold of her shoulders and slanted my lips across hers. She was shocked at first then she began to kiss back. I wanted to let go but she tugged at the roots of my hair. I gave in.

When I entered the gym, my eyes involuntarily landed on Nikita. I had promised myself that Julia would be the sole recipient of my affection, I had even made sure of that yesterday. But that doesn't happen in a day, right?

The taste of Julia's lip balm was still present on my lip and yet my eyes were lingering on somebody else.

Nikita, Miguel, Mariah and Enrique were engaged in a four people battle. All three of them were trying to take out Nikita and with lots of efforts she was still in the game.

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