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For a recap read the last few paragraphs of last chapter!

A Month Later

Nikita's POV

I inhaled deeply and fastened the corset around my body. For a few minutes I felt my breathing and movement was restricted but then it became easier. Once it became easier to breathe, I pulled on my baggy pants, cropped jacket and the armbands. Professional blading meant professional mood.

Once I was sure not a single hair of mine was out of the tight pulled back braid and my launcher and blade were in my pocket, I checked my reflections and walked out. Hilary was watching all of us, especially Ray, Tyson and me with hawk eyes.

Over the last month she had become a completely new person. She began getting up earlier than probably anyone in the world and making all of us exercise like anything. Later Kenny always had out blades except when we were practicing. He was always improving and modifying them. Kai didn't let us take a break from training and improving constantly, but at least he gave us the liberty to train as we liked. Last but definitely not the least, Tyson always had some or the other inspiring speech ready for dinner, or lunch or breakfast time ready.

But today, as I waited for Kai to emerge from his room before the match, I felt everything was less and I could have worked more.

"Nikita, your blade can do with some new balancing discs at the bottom. I am changing them now. Will you be able to control a new disc before the match?" Kenny asked me.

"Sure. I'll manage just fine..." I returned distractedly.

"You all ready?" Was Kai's greeting as he came out of his room, fully dressed and looking stern than I'd ever seen him.

"Yeah!" Ray said.

"We are going to send the Barthez Battalion home!" Tyson pumped his fist in the air.

"And we are going to make it to the Semis!" Max chimed in with his best friends.

I don't know if it was because I hadn't ever fought such an important match or something else, but I was nervous beyond my wits.

"Nikita, are you fine?" Hilary interjected. I realized they were all looking at me.

"I guess?" I wringed my hands together, subconsciously shifting on my feet.

"Come on, there's no need to be nervous!" Kenny placed his laptop away on the couch and patted my arm lightly.

I shook my head, finally crumbling the high walls around me and letting myself appear vulnerable. I had no control of the what ifs running through my mind.

"Let's have a group hug!" Ray proposed and Tyson and Max immediately stood up, beside me. I relaxed a little as they put their arms around my back. Ray smiled as he put his arms Max and Kenny and Hilary quickly followed.

"Kai come on! I am sure one hug won't transmit your sourpuss syndrome to us!" Tyson winked at Kai cheekily, but nonetheless made space for him between me and himself.

Our captain kept an indifferent face but he easily stood by my side. We all, as a team, hugged each other tightly. I felt I could lean on some people for today. Even though I had known these people for four months, I knew I didn't want these bonds to ever break. After all, no one outside of my family had ever held onto me so tightly and warmly.

"Are we ready now?" The captain asked, his stern monotonous voice laced with tenderness and comfort.

"Y-yes. I am ready." I straightened my back and took a deep breath.

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