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hi! make sure to vote and comment! read the last chapter (or chapters or the book) for recap because i know its been long LONG since last update

songs for the chapter:


II - i hate u, i love u by Gnash feat Olivia O'Brien

Nikita's POV

When I sat with Kai in the suite, no one around to destroy the peace, it felt like we could bare our souls to each other. It seemed like there was no question he wouldn't answer right now.

But it seemed like the day was speeding. We had only talked, and it was already 5'O clock. The sky outside was dark, and it was still raining. The weather had got colder as well.

We even forgot to go to the Diner for lunch. And we only realized an hour after the lunch was over.

"What do we do now?" I asked Kai.

"Find something to eat, of course." Kai stated the obvious. I decided I would rather stay hungry than look. But barely fifteen minutes after Kai went to look for something, he came back with two of the biggest steaming bowls of noodles.

"I don't like them. They taste bland..." I stopped mid-sentence when I looked properly. That shut me up.

"Oh my~! It's amazing! What did you add?" I asked, slurping a mouthful and spooning some broth.

"Some stuff from the cabinet. All basic." He said modestly.

"Basic? Kai, you have to be like... I don't know... a master chef to call it basic!" Kai had opened the spice cabinet that I never used. I thought it didn't have anything worthwhile. He, however, had found springs, sprouts, sesame, hot sauce and a variety of other things mixed in. They tasted so much better.

"I sometimes use my free time, you know," he said sarcastically, side eyeing me.

That was two hours ago and since then I had pestered him, and got so many answers out of him as well. Now I knew he was very talkative and expressive as a baby; he was afraid of fishes; wasn't particularly fond of eating meat except chicken; he was good at maths; liked salty, spicy and sour food; the only sweet foods for which he made exceptions were occasional traditional sweets, carnival lollipops and a sugary-spicy coffee. Which meant he absolutely HATED chocolates.

"What is your favourite book genre?" I asked, stifling a laughter. I tried hard not to dwell on the fact that the person I was seeing now, no one had ever before.

"Not answering. You'll laugh." Kai pressed his lips in a straight line, still red in the face, staring at me.

"Oh please. I am already laughing. Moreover, you seriously think anything is going to make me laugh more?"

He glowered at me.

"Okay sorry, sorry... So, what's the genre? Your favourite book genre?"


"What?!" I fell back on the sofa, almost ready to fall from it. My heart felt ready to burst out of my chest with the joy I was feeling. I should have seen it coming, though. This much joy can't last.

There was a knock on the suite main door and Tyson called out, "Open the gate, Kai!"

Kai began to get up, but I held his hand by the forearm. "Tyson! You have the damn card, man! Don't be lazy!"

"I have stuff in my hand!" He yelled back. There was a muffled playful rebuke in Ray's voice, after which I saw the doorknob turn. I didn't wait to see who all entered the suite. I just turned back to Kai, holding his hand by the forearm.

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