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I stood in the waiting room, trying my best to not walk away from the whole scene. Tyson, Hilary and Kenny were talking way more loudly than acceptable in public.
I could feel a headache building as I thought about Stanley's meeting from a week before.

"You all, my kids, have become legends in the Bey Blading world. This all comes at a cost though, kids. Your sponsors are willing to sponsor you for two more years, but only if you have a female player on the team."

"What about Hilary?" Ray had asked.

"A player, Raymond. Like you all," Stanley said.

"What if we don't comply?" I asked.

"You are turned out. As I said, fame comes at prices."

Price, my foot. With just Hilary hanging around half the day goes in waste.
I crinkled my nose and looked around for the three idiots. Easy task with all the shouting they were doing.

"What is her name, again?" I asked Kenny.

"Nikita," he said. "Oh, and I think it's the announcement for her plane."

It was surprisingly Hilary, and not Tyson, who reacted first and got out from the waiting room with a banner in her hand. Tyson and Kenny followed. I squared up my shoulders and braced up for a long hour of chattering that would probably follow.

I followed Kenny and stood behind the three of them. Very slowly people started leaving in groups.

"Do you see her?" Hilary asked craning her neck and standing on tip toes to reach my level.

"I don't know what she looks like." I said and turned the other way.

No way was I even going to talk to her until there will be a dire need. Stanley doesn't understand how much time it takes to train a newbie.

"C'mon Nikita! We're here!" Tyson resorted to shouting and waving his banner violently. I tried my best to not look at him.

Act like you don't even know this fool, I said to myself.

I thought about the name of the girl for a while until it all became amusing. All I could remember was a fat boy from the abbey with the same name. Were her parents high—?"

Unfortunately my train of thoughts comes to a halt as I heard a girly squeal – Hilary.

"Here! We are here!"

I scanned the area in front and my eyes landed on a beautiful girl. Aesthetically beautiful, of course.

She looked like one of the pristine girls I used to see at the expensive parties that Voltaire threw. The only difference was that she wasn't wearing the same sour expression.

Nikita was a tiny girl with short purple hair that swayed as she walked. Her dusky complexion set her apart from the crowd. With just a single glance at her clothes I concluded that she was rich. Filthy rich. Probably as much as Voltaire. A black beanie and sunglasses were perched atop her head. Her fashion sense was... immaculate, over the top even. And that was all I saw in one look.

She walked to us with confidence, style and poise of a model.

"Hi, Hilary?" Her voice sounded mature and womanly, while her accent... It stood between strong Scottish with a slight twist of tongue, perhaps because of her native language.

"That's me. How was your journey?" Hilary spoke, sounding like a child despite being older.

"So-so I say, stuck beside a crying baby." Nikita extended her hand while maintaining a conversational voice.

Hilary chortled and motioned at us.

"Tyson, Kenny... Kai." Hilary paused a little and glared at me.

What? I am unhappy, and I am going to show it as much as I please.

"Let's go," I said when Hilary clearly refused to budge.

I strided to the parking lot rubbing my head. This girl seemed to be really chatty. With Hilary and Tyson I don't know if we are even qualifying.

"Cal! Cal!" I heard her voice behind me and turned around in frustration.

"Hey Cal I need to put my—" I looked at her flabbergasted. The nerve of her.

"You didn't," I said dangerously. No reason to put a cover.

"Ha, at least I got a reaction out of you Kai," she said with a smile that resembled Tyson's. "It looked like you had swallowed a frog back there."

"Why are you even here?" I folded my hands and stomped my foot.

"Mr. Dickinson contacted me a—" Nikita drawled and I grit my teeth as my patience wore thin.

"That's not what I am asking – and – you know it." I closed my eyes momentarily and sighed. The headache was mounting now. "Anyway you're being a pain right now. Do your work or leave."

"I just had to put my bags in so I came here." She extended her hand as if asking for the keys.

I walked past her, picked up her bag and dumped it in the trunk quickly. She followed me still and cooed as I opened the doors of the car.

"Hop in, I don't have all day."

"Happy much?" She said sarcastically as she settled in the back seat.

"You know you could smile more? Your face won't crack," she spoke again and I tried to focus on the road and not on her bantering.

"You know you could use your mouth less often?" I answered through gritted teeth driving out of the parking.

"That's not what most boys would say," she said stifling her laughter at the clearly inappropriate joke.

I smiled slightly before muttering, "I am not most men, with me you'll do what I say."

"Dominating? And hey you actually smiled."

I shook my head as she finally fell silent, for two minutes that is, starting to talk again when Hilary joined her in the backseat.

By the time we reached the luxurious BBA hotel on outskirts of the city, the sun was already up and my head was throbbing.

"Tomorrow morning at 5 sharp we meet in the gym. Third wing – sixth floor." I said as a parting message once we were in the suite.

Quickly we departed to our rooms, excluding Ray and Max, who were having a lie in – till now. Nikita moved first, muttering something about jet lag. I turned a deaf ear and went to my own room for a relaxing bath.

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