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Kai's POV


My heart swelled as the playfulness returned to her voice and I had a sudden urge to hold her hand. So I did what I do every time my emotions are too strong. Pull up the facade. 


The first match of the season in Pool A will be: the Saint Shields v/s the defending champion Blade Breakers. The evening match for Pool B will be Ralph and Julia from the F Dynasty against King and Queen of the Part Hunters.

A thrill ran down my spine as we got ready for the real matches to begin.


The sound of metal clanking against the dish surface was getting to my head now. I curled my fist stopping myself from killing Kenny right now. The brown haired boy was sitting stiff in the corner of our bench, avoiding my eyes. His eyes turned slightly towards me and I mouthed, "I'll kill you."

It was his suggestion to send Max to fight against Miriam. The match had been going on for about forty minutes now and their blades were still only chasing each other. The tension between those two was thick but they were too mushy to actually harm each other.

"Why isn't Max calling Draciel?" Ray adjusted the white band aids around his arm as he asked this.

"He's high or what?!" Hilary muttered yawning. She had almost fallen down twice from the seat due to sleepiness.

"Ugh!" I turned to look at Nikita who was grinding her teeth. "Tyson what are you do—" She squealed suddenly.

Tyson got up and ran to the edge of the Blading dish platform. "Max!" He shouted to him. "You need to listen to me!" I waited for him to start to an inspirational speech like his habit, but what happened was beyond my wildest imagination. "Now. I know you love Miriam but this is totally not the place to show your affection. You have to do something or we'll lose our streak! Don't keep this going."

I watched bemusedly as Tyson's extroverted behavior benefitted us. Max started turning red in his face as the audience booed. From where we were sitting, we saw Miriam get red and shivery. Her grip on the blade loosened.

Luckily our player took the cue. Max took command. Draciel was out in a split second. A knock and Miriam's blade was sitting outside the dish.

"Max Tate from the Blade Breakers has won the first match with his amazing performance and his powerful beast Draciel." DJ Jazzman announced. "That's a point for the Blade Breakers!"

"Tyson!" Max called Draciel back in his palm and turned to the Dragoon wielder. "What the fuck was that?!" His blue eyes were wide like saucers and fair skin red. His golden blond hair was sticking to his face and his arms and legs shaking. "You fucking announced it! You do realize there are paparazzi here?"

Tyson yawned and chuckled. His infuriating smile angered Max until he felt the presence of a boy behind him.

Joseph stood there, glaring daggers at him. "You made her cry!" He scowled. "Now you are going to stop her tears or I swear you'll never be able to call yourself a man again."

"I can ex—" Max stuttered but Joseph raised five fingers before his face.

"That's all the time you have," he said.

Max was quick on his feet. He ran towards the gate where Miriam had gone.

"Why did you do that Tyson?" Hilary chided Tyson with a bemused look.

"What? I wanted to see some action." He winked at Hilary before quickly going to the stage where Joseph was already seething.

"3!!! 2!! 1! LET IT RIP!"

The two blades ripped from the launchers. IT was like everything happened in slow motion. You could see everything happen and yet nothing. The audience watched in awe as Tyson proved from his first match why he was the three year World Champion.

The blades crashed midair. The sound echoed through the stadium. With speed and force of a lion, Dragoon attacked Joseph's blade and it flew back, out of the dish before even touching it, at Joseph's feet.

The stadium thundered with claps and DJ announced with his hyper voice. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! What did we just see? Joseph of Saint Shields has been defeated by the defending World Champ Tyson Granger mid-air." He waved to the screens above the stands. "A clear victory for the Blade Breakers by 2-0! This leaves Saint Shields a chance to save themselves from elimination!"

"Tyson that was—" Kenny stuttered with happiness.

"Wow!" Ray completed for him.

"We've got to follow Max!" Tyson smiled widely bubbling with enthusiasm. He ignored the awed looks he was receiving.

The crowd booed as the second winner ran out too. Joseph was flabbergasted for a second until he followed Tyson's lead and ran out too. The remaining boys of Saint Shields glared at us before running behind their other member.

"What do we do?" Hilary asked; her ruby eyes wide with confusion.

"I don't want to miss whatever scene they are creating!" Nikita said eagerly. She ran out from the opposite gate too. Hilary followed on her heels.

The three of us looked at each other and followed them.

We barely made it to the garden outside the dome when Nikita and Tyson pulled us in a corner.

"What the hell—" I hissed as my head hit Ray's.

"Shh!" Nikita pushed her finger against my lips, staring in my eyes. "Look there." Her eyes left mine and traced their way to the blond Caucasian boy and the blue haired Asian girl in the centre of the park.

I could feel others hold their breath as Max held Miriam by her shoulders. She ceased her blabbering – whatever she was speaking about and looked up at him.

"It's happening finally!" Hilary squeaked behind me pulling out her phone for a shot.

Max looked down at her & Miriam stood slightly on her tip toes. And almost like a practiced movement, their lips touched slightly for a moment.

Tyson was about to yell but Hilary clamped his mouth shut and punched him playfully in the back.

Suddenly I became aware of the soft finger still on my lips. My face heated up and my stomach did a jolt as I became aware of our closeness. Her body was pressed against mine in the small corner.

I wished the others would just disappear now. Just her and me.

I looked back at Max who was still kissing Miriam, blissfully unaware of our presence. His one arm around her waist, other in her hair. Miriam's eyes were closed but her arms were wrapped perfectly around his sides.

I wanted what they were having. Right then. So badly.

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