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"Go Wolborg," Tala's said.
Wolborg landed next to Cerberus and spinned against it with all its might. Tala didn't call the beast immediately, letting just the metal blade do the work.

"Come on Nikita! Do your magic!" Hilary called.

"Yes, call your beast and throw Wolborg out!" Tyson said.

Nikita nodded with a determined stare and mumbled something. Cerberus rose again but before she could do anything Tala smirked.

"Now Wolborg!"

The wolf jumped out of the beast and started sucking... Power. His beast sucked out a blue mist from Cerberus who howled in pain in return.

"What is he doi-" someone from the crowd spoke in a disturbed voice.

Yes he was sucking out power from Nikita and her bit beast. Taking away the power would be illegal and I am sure he wouldn't dare do that. However just knowing the exact power of Nikita would be a big reveal for the final match.

If Tala knew Nikita's power he would easily defeat her whenever they fought in a battle.

I gasped and turned back to Nikita. Her chest was heaving rapidly and her legs staggered.

"Ugh! You want power? Then you shall have it!" She yelled so loudly that it resonated within the gym. A few others flinched but no one moved a muscle.

She extended her arms forward like pushing something and the blue mist exploded like firework. Her knees buckled and her legs gave way. She collapsed on all fours, sweat dripping but power and strength still radiating from her.

I became aware that any more power loss might result in her losing her beast.

"Drigger knock out Tala!" Ray acted just when I was about to launch my blade.

The sudden interference broke Tala's concentration and the bond broke. He looked almost afraid of her. Her stare. Her mere existence.

"You are so-" he began.

"Powerful?" She offered with a bitter laugh. "Remember this Tala Ivanov. The actual match will be worse."

Tala turned away with his broken blade in hand and walked out urgently.

"Nikita!" Ray said. "Are you okay?"

"I can... I can talk and walk-" her voice slurred and she fell back down like a bag of bricks, out before hitting the floor.

"Yeah we saw that!" Max remarked as we all ran to her.

"Is someone going to help me pick her up?" Johnny asked from somewhere behind Kenny.

"Her head's bleeding!" Tyson squeaked.

Johnny lifted her and walked out. Glad those muscles were of some use. I always thought of him as the boy with anger issues, muscles and no wit.

I picked up her blade and left with my team.

The infirmary was set up all the way opposite from the gym, near the big gardens shaded by big flowery bushes. The evening was still young and warm, and the grass bed looked tempting as hell.

I kept her blade and launcher on the bedside table as the nurse calmly inserted an IV in her palm and taped it. How on earth was she being calm as blood spilled down her head? My own blood boiled as she cleaned her wound.

Come on you ass. She's bleeding.

Tala's image from last year came back to me. In the hospital, not responding, on a life support. It was my responsibility as his acquaintance to come meet him but even then it hadn't been easier.

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