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Kai's POV

I woke up to a round of laughter surrounding me. I ignored it for a while until I couldn't tolerate no more. I opened my eyes to find Tyson, Max, Ray and Hilary doubling over in laughter as they stared at me. I stared at them until everyone but Tyson quieted down. Finally I flipped Tyson the finger and pulled the comforter over my head.

Today was Majestics' v/s Blitzkrieg Boys' in the morning. I didn't want to face either Enrique or Tala so I thought about enjoying a sleep-in. Guess I just wasn't allowed to be so lucky.

"Hey!" Between the laughter I heard her voice. "Are we all ready?" I peeked out of the comforter on pretext of irritation to see her. Nikita was dressed in a black turtle neck crop top, a thick black choker and blue denim shorts. Her hair, done in a pleat, covered her neck and collarbone. She was probably doing her best to hide any hickeys.

"Oh yes." Hilary turned to her. "Except for our captain dear, everyone is ready."

"Why? Is he not coming for the match?" Nikita turned towards Ray as if he were my secretary, or spokesperson.

"I am." I put in a bit too hurriedly. "I just... overslept."

"Oh?" Ray turned to me with a raised brow. "Let me wait with you then."

"Ray, you can go early." Nikita popped in between. "Johnny was angry me last night for being with Enrique. I'd rather not face him till he's let out some steam."

"Okay then." The shadow of doubt left Ray's face as quickly as it came.

"Should I ask the chef to save you breakfast?" Max offered Nikita.

"I'd be thankful Maxie!" She gave each of them a hi-five before they left. I stared at her like a dumbass. She stayed without creating the slightest suspicion.

"Sooo?" She finally turned to me, hands on her hips. "You gonna get ready or not?"

"Yea yeah."

I went to get ready while she lied idly on my bed, flicking though a book I had been reading a few days ago. I realized it was the first time she had come in my room.

I put on my pants in the bathroom and began drying my hair on my way out.

"Don't you look hot?" Nikita commented putting the book away as I stepped out of the bathroom.

My hands and hair were dripping wet and I had no shirt and no face paint. So I doubted that. But I asked anyway, "Do I?"

"I don't lie. Well mostly." She got up from the bed and walked towards me. I smiled challengingly as she walked towards me to kiss.

I stood straight and tall as she stood on her tippy toes to reach my level.

"I don't think this will be sufficient." I said as she frowned in frustration. She was a small little girl. My small girl. So instead I picked her up and pinned her to the wall. She smiled and kissed the top of my neck.

"And this? Will this be sufficient for now?" She asked breathily.

I didn't reply but we continued making out for fifteen minutes until Nikita's phone rang.

"Is it important?" I asked, finally letting her on her own feet. I was quite enjoying our little time together.

"It's Hilary." She said and put the call to her ear while I held her from the back. She relaxed in my arms while talking to Hilary.

"She's saying that I tell you to pull it together real quick and scoot there. The stadium is getting filled up quickly." She fixed her pleat and adjusted her choker and top while I put on my shirt and jacket.

"Just give me a second." Nikita said out of blue when we leaving and went back to her room. When she came out she was stuffing with some things in her pocket.

"What's all this?" I asked as we got in the elevator alone.

"Concealor, pocket perfume and gloss. It'll take a minute to tell what we had been doing if I smelling of men's deodorant. And the Concealor for you know... I don't want anyone, especially Johnny seeing those marks."

"Oh okay..." I said. I didn't really understand all of this.

Midway we stopped at the Diner to pick breakfast. In less than ten minutes we reached the stadium. We used the public entry and began searching for the team. Nikita held my wrist as I looked above the crowd for the team.

"Are you okay?" I asked when she didn't leave my hand even after I had spotted the team.


"Why are you holding my hand then?"

"I—I" She stopped speaking and urged me to move forward. I stood my ground until she spoke. "I can only see people's faces in the crowd, okay?" Her ears turned red as she stared at me.

I chuckled pulling her with me. "Come on. I won't leave you."

Nikita sat between Tyson and Brooklyn from the BEGA Team. I sat in the row just above her, between Max and Ray. For the first time in years I saw Kenny sitting without his laptop, talking to Hilary. I couldn't hear them.

"Who do you think will battle from their side Kai?" Max asked.

"I don't know." I said and closed my eyes.

"Probably Robert will fight." Ray observed. I agreed with a nod. It was their tactic, getting sure of a point in the first battle.

"I think Oliver too." Tyson said turning behind. "Look how huge the stadium is."

The stadium was indeed large. And that could mean only one thing: something big enough to occupy Unicolion.

"Then the third person is definitely Enrique." Nikita joined too. She turned behind in her seat too. "He asked me to wear something to support him yesterday."

"Oh something like wearing your football jersey?" Max chimed in. "That happened a lot in my school in New York."

"Yes, exactly."

"Can I come too?" Hilary asked, her big ruby eyes shining with excitement.

"Uh..." Nikita squirmed a little. I wondered if she didn't want others to get a word on what happened last night. I thought about what to say but I was spared when Ray interjected.

"Hey Hil, if it's an important moment like Max says it is, then maybe we should give her some space." He placed a hand on her shoulder, stopping her from standing. Tyson flinched a little.

"Thanks Ray," Nikita said.

Hilary made a grim face for a second before squeezing her friend's shoulder. "Best of luck to you sister."

With much difficulty, and my amusement, my shorty again got stuck in the crowd. My teammates laughed gallantly as she got pushed around for a few seconds before disappearing from sight.

Hey lovelies! Updated really quick by my standards didn't I? More is coming.

As usual 

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Peace out


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