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Later that day

Kai's POV

I liked Julia's presence.

I swear to my parents who I have never known, that I did like Julia Fernandez's presence. But as usual my social battery drained out pretty quickly.

"So you fought your first BeyBlade match at...?" I chuckled as she wished her eyes to size of saucers.

"Yes. I did fight my first match at 5." I repeated.

"Noo! I don't— I can't even fathom that!" She laughed flicking a popcorn at me. I dodged it easily as she smiled innocently before offering me some.

I smiled and shook my head, leaning against the wall behind me. We settled into a comfortable silence until Raul came in the cafeteria.

"Julia we need to—"

"RAUL!" She turned red as she stopped him mid sentence. "I'm kind of in mid of something..."

"It's fine." I intervened finding my perfect chance. "I have some things to look at as well."

"Oh, okay." She looked deflated but she kissed my cheek anyway and let me go.

As soon as I was out I ran a hand through my stormy grey hair messing them up and stretched my arms. I wanted boring more than to take off some lazy cozy time. I was reminded of my bedroom in Russia. The plush covers and carpets, hot stews and blazing fire in the fireplace.

Minding my own business I pulled out the master key card to the suite. I had access to it as the Captain. I unlocked the door and walked inside. The lights were dimmed and curtains were pulled. I wondered who was here. It was still only 7... Everyone was out.

But, I spied Nikita sitting on a sofa, very, very deep in thought. Or she would have reacted to my presence and hurried away from me like I was carrying plague. Because that's how she has been reacting to my nearness.

Strangely she didn't even seem to realise I, or anyone, was there. She just started at the ceiling, biting her lip. I had a bad thought for a second. Had something happened again? Was she alive?

"Nikita?" I put a hand on her shoulder and suddenly she snapped out of her trance. Her big brown eyes narrowed as she examined my face, jerking away my hand.

"Kai..." She spat my name from her reddish pink, plump lips like it was a curse word. Then wordlessly she got up and hurried off to her room.

Anger flared within me as I wondered what in hell had I done to deserve this! I stormed to her door and banged on it.

"Open up Nikita Singh! I have the master key card, but I don't want to force my way in."

"Get lost!" She called back. I put the key card in the socket and opened her door. She was standing in the doorway. "You put one foot in and I'll report you as an assaulter!"

"You'll report me if I let you out of this suite." I said that in a monotonous voice wondering if she would actually dare reporting me.

"GO AWAY!" She stepped away from the doorway and walked further in her room, plopping on the bed.

"I'm not going anywhere you know? So you can save yourself some trouble and talk to me." I said firmly still.

I waited as she sat unmoving for long. Half a minute changed to a good long couple of minutes time but she didn't reply. And then she started speaking like she had never been quiet in life.

"Why are you here now?! Why are you being all nice? Why now?" When she looked at me I was more than a little surprised to see tears trickling down her face.

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