Question/Answer Session 2

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Question Answer Session 2

By BlackDranzer_2512

To Nikita: What exact disease are you suffering from?

Nikita: Epilepsy, broadly.
But there is also something wacky with my nervous system that makes seizures painful, that is not common. Epileptic seizures aren't supposed to be painful in themselves.
So overall, it's a nervous disorder along with epilepsy. I'm on trial for special medicines that control both but are extremely harmful to your lady organs. Like, they have stopped my periods for long. I don't know, they can leave someone infertile I guess?

To Nikita: On your scale of pain you rated various things from 0-10. What's your 10?

Nikita: Nothing, as of now. When Kai and I weren't on good terms, I marked it as 9.5
But I know, if anyone, he, only, is capable of inflicting pain that is a 10 for me.

To Nikita: About your hair colour, you said an aunty not respecting your privacy provoked you to dye it purple. What's the story?

Nikita: It's funny really. Just a month before the championships, this lady moves in my neighborhood. She was way too concerned about me wearing light makeup.
"You have dark skin. Light makeup isn't for you. Ditch the pink, and red, and coral makeup. Go for burgundy, or purple, or maroon."
I told her I didn't like those colours but she began to interfere too much. So I went ahead and dyed my black hair purple.
"You look ugly," She said to me.
"Well, it was your wish. Dark colours to complement my brown skin."
It worked like a charm. She didn't bother me a second time after that.

To Julia: Do you actually love Kai? If yes, why?

Julia: I don't know if I love him. Love is a very strong emotion. But I definitely like him, a lot.
It's because... Every time I see him again he has matured as a person.
I like him because underneath everything he's kind to his team and returns to them in their time of need.
He watches out for them. He sits back to let them have the spotlight.
I wish I didn't receive hate for liking him. I can't control that. I have a genuine liking for him.
If Kai and I go separate ways and he loves someone else, it wouldn't be my fault.

By @Tasianafi

To Julia: When are you going to break up with Kai, so he can get on with Nikita?

Julia: I... I don't know. I don't want to, but I guess it's inevitable. There have been a few hints in Kai's words as well. When I praised him for his skills, he said he was sure I would be great too, when we'd meet in future.
It means there's going to be an end, I think.
I want to enjoy the time I have with him. The days are numbered.

By Bratzgirl23

To Nikita: What are your pet peeves?

Nikita: People criticising others fashion and dreams. That shit is petty.
And when stores run out of favourite food and favourite colour of outfits.

To Nikita: Anyone you're interested in?

Nikita: Kai, all the way! Can't wait for championships to get over so we can take it on.

To Nikita: What do you look for in a guy?

Nikita: I never thought of a dream guy, except as a kid. Then it was the typical Prince Charming.
Now? Maybe, someone respectful and youthful and spontaneous? I haven't dated long term so can't give a strong opinion.
For a hook up?
Flirty, charm and charisma with a hint of flattery and dominance is sexy. But respects limits.
No defined physical attributes. I'm pretty short so almost everyone is taller...
Just be well groomed.

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