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"What do you mean?" She folded her hands defensively.

"Why didn't you meet Stanley, yet? Where were you during dinner?" I asked using my best angry tone.

"I—" she looked around for a moment, "tried finding you... but the diner was full."

"Then you'll learn to follow your team and not waste your time in chatting." I turned away, saying all I had to say.

"I wasn't chatting! I just met my cousin after half a year!" Nikita stomped angrily, but the three of us turned back in surprise.

"Your cousin?"Ray asked.

"Johnny is my third cousin from mum's side, but that's not the matter!" She directed her tone to me again, "You could've helped me by not stranding me alone—"

"Go and sleep kid." I slammed my bedroom door shut and flicked the lights off.

In the darkness of my bedroom I instantly became suspicious on Stanley and Kenny's choice. She hadn't talked about Bey Blading once. I hadn't seen her blade, nor heard about her bit beast. I could almost imagine us losing for the first time after our three year winning streak.


I woke up first next morning and dressed up in the dark. I practically felt a warmth radiate from my body as I got ready for my first fight of the season. After last year's fight with Brooklyn and the BEGA fiasco I am not sure what to expect anymore... As I changed in my new outfit I contemplated how much had changed.

Tyson, Ray, Max, Kenny, Hilary and Tala just weren't my team mates and rivals anymore. They were friends. The only ones I had... but the best ones probably.

I gripped my blade tightly and closed the doors of the suite quietly. The first rays of the morning sun were streaming in from the enormous glass windows at the ends of the corridors. It was all too quiet at this hour – a huge change from yesterday. I trotted slowly enjoying the sun until I saw the lift about to close.

I quickened my steps when a pale hand stopped the gates from closing.

"You are getting in?" Brooklyn Masefield stood in training clothes with a smile plastered on his face. He was exactly the same as I remembered him from last year. Tall and smiling with twinkling blue eyes and flaming red-orange hair. My blood began to boil at the mere sight of him, but it came with an air of superiority.

I ignored his smile and stepped in a corner, closed my eyes enjoying a vanilla scent that was wafting in the elevator. Air freshener?

"So back to the talk, do you gym regularly?" Brooklyn spoke, except it wasn't directed at me. I opened my eyes and they immediately landed on a small girl with wet purple hair, clad in tight and damp sportswear.

Nikita met my eyes for a brief second and then switched back to the other male in the elevator. A wide smile, like the one she gave me at the airport spread on her face and she nodded.

"Yeah. Whenever I blade, I also go the gym – so it's pretty much daily." She bladed daily? I still had my doubts about her capabilities.

"Ha, I saw that right away! You've definitely got the physique," Brooklyn returned and I caught him looking at her.

"Years of training mate," she said easily. I wasn't surprised at how easily she kept the conversation flowing till we reached to a garden near the diner.

"I'll see you later in the gym, I guess..." he stopped in the garden and shook her hand, and then we parted ways.

What happened on the way to the gym surprised even me. I sparked a conversation – with her of all people. The irresponsible git.

Sugar and Spice [BeyBlade Fan Fiction]Where stories live. Discover now