Chapter 10: And the Silence is Ringing

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"I've begun to realize that you can listen to silence and learn from it. It has a quality and a dimension all its own." 
― Chaim Potok, The Chosen

Tyler's POV

Leaves crackled under his feet as Tyler walked through the forest and the cold air stung as it moved in and out of his lungs.  Tyler inhaled deeply, relishing the cold shock of it hitting his insides.  He pushed through the trees, avoiding the twigs that lashed at his face and the vines that grabbed at his feet, staring down at the ground as he walked to avoid tripping. 

A sound pierced through his concentration and he glanced behind him just in time to see Troye stumble forward and fall.  Tyler could hear Zoe and Caspar's laughter up ahead, but turned immediately and made his careful way to Troye's side.

 "You alright?"

Troye glanced at him with a small nod.  "I'm fine."

He struggled back onto his feet and Tyler watched him silently, wishing that he could help him up and knowing that he couldn't.  Troye glanced around him at the stillness of the forest before looking back at Tyler.  "Where are we going?"

Tyler grinned and waited until Troye began moving forward again, falling into step beside him easily.  "You'll see." He replied cryptically. 

Troye threw him a curious glance but said nothing, just continued walking carefully over the uneven ground and thick growth of shrubs and plants.  The smell of the forest changed as the night engulfed them, growing richer as the cold air gave way to a cool mist.  They moved deeper into the forest until they cleared the last tree and came to their destination.

"Wow..." Troye whispered, gazing around him in awe.  Tyler took in the scenery around him and had to agree with Troye's hushed statement.  Silver moonlight refracted through a fine mist, pausing in the air before reflecting in the clear water of the gurgling stream.  A thin layer of green moss grew over the rocks at the banks of the stream and the clearest water Tyler had ever seen trickled serenely over fallen braches and half submerged plants.  It was incredibly picturesque and looked untouched by anything man-made. 

Tyler saw that Zoe and Caspar had already reached the banks of the water and were struggling out of their heavy sweaters and jeans, laughing despite the cold they must have felt wearing just a thin t-shirt and shorts.  Tyler smiled and turned back to Troye, watching happily as the other boy took in his surroundings.  The mist danced around him and Troye raised a hand, fingers spread wide, as if he'd be able to touch it.

Troye turned to Tyler with wide, enchanted eyes and Tyler felt a thrill of delight dance down his spine.  Tyler's smile widened into a grin and Troye's answering smile was a tiny flash of joy that spoke more than his words could have.  Delight flowed around the curl of his lips and Tyler wondered if he'd ever get used to it.

Tyler tilted his head towards the lake, his gaze not moving away from Troye's.  "Ready to jump in?"

Troye glanced towards the stream, watching as Zoe and Caspar splashed in the water.  When he turned back to Tyler, his smile had dimmed and on his face was that familiar hesitation.  "No, I...I don't swim.  You go ahead, I'll just...stay here."

Tyler frowned at him.  "You don't know how to swim?"

Troye eyes shifted away, glancing back towards the water and avoiding eye contact.  "I do." Troye said quietly, "I just don't."

Troye took a few steps towards the water before sinking down gracefully, his eyes focused on the woods that surrounded them.  The patch of ground he had settled on was free of the forest canopy high above them, making the moonlight even more striking.  Silver light sifted through the light mist and created a spectacle of untouched nature that encompassed Troye with ease.  The moonlight splashed down and caught Troye's features: his cheeks tinged slightly pink from the crisp night air, his dark hair mussed from running his fingers through it, his eyes bluer than normal.

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