Chapter 41: Hurricane

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Remember that first Laugh? All it changed once I had that
Like a hurricane, but I don't care where I land
So, dance carefree, I hope it's easier knowing me
Now, your soul is yours, but I'll help it move if I can

-Dermot Kennedy, Rome 

***Trigger warning***

Tyler's POV

Tyler was true to his word, and hurried back as soon as he could, dutifully completing the day's assignments and catching up on his readings without complaint.

The rest of the day was interlaced with listening to music, sporadic conversations followed by extended periods of silence and, in Troye's case, reading. Tyler talked and Troye contended himself with listening, occasionally adding a few words while trying to drown himself in cups of tea.

In the evening evening, Troye started towards the kitchen but Tyler headed him off, saying firmly that they would order in. Troye didn't argue and Tyler was glad of the decision when he saw how quickly Troye relaxed back onto the sofa.

Tyler ordered Chinese and they both settled onto the floor when it arrived, leaning their backs against the sofa as they ate.

Tyler braced himself. "Troye, I was thinking...maybe you should take a few days off and just...try to get space to figure things out."

Tyler spoke as quietly and evenly as he could manage, watching Troye suddenly refuse to look at him. Tyler's heart squeezed in his throat and he had to take a conscious deep breath.

"You could keep up with all your classes easily. You know you could. And-if you requested the time off it wouldn't count against you or anything."

Troye was quiet for a while and apprehension buckled the skin between his eyes. Then his fingers curled against the chopsticks as he continued eating.

Tyler watched him out of the corner of his eye as he ate. The tension that had clouded his face earlier hadn't gotten any better.

Troye twirled his fork through his Lo Mien, staring down at his bowl.

"I might be right."

Thank God. Tyler thought, but tried to keep the relief out of his expression.

"I...I'll make an appointment with Mr. Green tomorrow."

"About that-I saw him today."

Troye said nothing and Tyler shook his head slowly, reading his expression. "Not like that. I know you can speak for yourself. I just- I ran into him when I went to get my notes and he thought I was there to see him and-anyway, he said his door is always open, you don't need an appointment to see him."


Troye blew out a breath, his body relaxing from anxious rigidity into fluidity on the tail end. Tyler mentally high-fived himself for pulling that out of him tonight.


They ate quietly and Tyler shifted upwards to get some more orange chicken, when fingers touched his hand unexpectedly.

"Thank you," Troye said simply.

Tyler made himself look at him. Troye was watching him with a surprisingly soft expression. He thought Troye would look guarded or frustrated, but instead he smiled.

Tyler remembered the look on Troye's face in the cabin, when he'd finally let himself unravel enough to show genuine mirth. Troye's face had been full of awe and confusion. Tyler remembered the power that had flooded him when he realized that after all their time together, he'd finally gotten to a point where he could cause that reaction. Now, though, he didn't feel powerful at all.

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