Chapter 5: It's all in the Waiting

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"Falling in love is very real, but I used to shake my head when people talked about soul mates, poor deluded individuals grasping at some supernatural ideal not intended for mortals but sounded pretty in a poetry book. Then, we met, and everything changed, the cynic has become the converted, the sceptic, an ardent zealot."

― E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly

Warning, this is a long-ass chapter.  I had two weeks to write it so actually had time to simmer with it, hence its long-assedness.  Sorry not sorry.

Tyler's POV

The cafeteria was filled with the noise of shouts, laughter and the rattling of trays and cutlery.  Tyler scanned the crowded tables quickly before spotting Zoe's familiar figure.  As he got closer, she waved enthusiastically and gestured to the seat across from her.  A couple of girls already sat there and were chatting with two boys in oversized t-shirts and baggy pants.  When Tyler sat down, they stopped their conversation to give a quick nod of greeting before returning to their banter. 

"Hey Tyler," Zoe greeted him cheerfully, before turning to the blond girl beside her.  "This is Sarah.  We met, like an hour ago?  Sarah, this is Tyler."

The blond girl smiled shyly and looked at Tyler from underneath her eyelashes. "Yeah, I already know who he is.  We had math together last year."

They had?  Tyler looked at her more closely, but couldn't remember having seen her before.  Strange, since he was usually good with faces.

Zoe turned to him and her expression became more somber. "How's Caspar doing?  You saw him yesterday right?"

Tyler nodded as he picked up his spoon and dug into his chicken Parmesan.

"He's fine, I think it's pretty difficult to damage that hard head of his."  Tyler swallowed a gulp of water before continuing.  "The doctors want to keep him there for a little while, but he should be here soon."

Zoe nodded, although her eyes remained dark with worry.  Tyler concentrated on his food and Zoe turned back to Sarah.  After a moment of focused eating, Tyler looked at the apple he had picked up with dissatisfaction.  He had picked it up in a halfhearted attempt to make his meal healthier, but upon reflection decided he would much rather have the slice of apple pie being offered that day.  It still had apple in it, so it was kind of the same thing.  He looked at the lunch line to gauge how much time it would take to get the dessert.  He stilled, all movement completely arrested as he spotted Troye's familiar figure.

He watched as Troye glanced around the cafeteria uneasily, before lowering his eyes, his gaze focused intently on the ground.

"Do you know that guy?"  He dragged his eyes slowly away from Troye to see Sarah watching him, a slight frown on her face.

His eyes returned to Troye as he muttered a vague "huh?"

"She means the guy you're staring at." Zoe said helpfully.  Tyler nodded distractedly, hoping that was an appropriate response since he wasn't really listening.  He watched Troye abandon the line before glancing around the cafeteria briefly.  He stood still, as if debating something with himself, then turned and headed towards the doors. 

"Hey I know him!"  Zoe's voice sounded surprised.  "I was just talking to him this morning.  He's a bit strange that one, I think he's in my Eng- Tyler what are you doing?"

Tyler looked away from Troye's retreating back to find he was on his feet and had already turned in the direction Troye was disappearing in.

He shook his head in bemusement.  He wasn't sure what was happening with him, but he wasn't willing to take the time to figure it out if it meant losing track of Troye.

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