Chapter 14: Weight in Gold

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The highest cliff you can fall from is trust

- Mozart in the Jungle

Tyler's POV

Tyler slowed to a stop at a red light and looked over. Troye was looking out the window and Tyler couldn't see much of his face, but without the distraction of driving, other details began to stand out. Troye seemed freshly showered; Tyler could faintly smell some sort of body wash or shampoo that still lingered on him. It smelled like-

"You're staring at me," Troye murmured without turning around.

Tyler flushed and turned away immediately, embarrassed to have been caught. How the hell had Troye known he'd been looking?

"Sorry," he muttered.

"Don't be." Troye said softly.

Tyler risked another glance at saw that Troye had turned his melting blue eyes on him and was studying him, a faint smile tucked into the corner of his full mouth.

"I gave you permission, remember?"

The light turned green and Tyler turned his attention to the road again. But awareness continued to spread over his skin, a warmth so insistent he knew Troye was still looking.

"If it helps, you have permission too," Tyler said, throwing a quick glance at Troye.

Troye ducked his head, not hiding his smile very well.

"Thanks," he murmured as he turned back to the window. They fell into mutual silence and Tyler continued to half pay attention to Troye as he navigated through the city. He started to slow at another red light when he noticed Troye lean forward towards the passenger window, open his mouth and breathe on it gently so that fog curled against the glass. It was such a child-like thing to do that it distracted him completely and he looked over. He stared as Troye reached up and started drawing on the window.

"Admiring my work?" Troye asked, giving him a sidelong glance.

Tyler watched how his lashes spiked over brilliant blue eyes every time he blinked, casting tilted shadows on his cheeks. "Something like that."

Troye smiled and turned back, adding a grin to his sloppily drawn happy face. He paused before reaching out again and adding square glasses.

He looked at Tyler thoughtfully before carefully adding bigger hair to his fading happy face.

"There," he said with satisfaction. "It's a pretty good likeness, don't you think?"

"I've never had anyone draw me before." Tyler grinned at the fading portrait.  "Thank you."

Tyler saw Troye pause and tilt his face in his direction, eyes flickering across his face. For a moment it seemed Troye was going to say something else. His lips had parted and he studied Tyler's profile for a long moment, but then he looked away.

"You're welcome," he murmured quietly, glancing around as Tyler pulled into the thrift store's parking lot.

They both got out of the car and Tyler turned his attention to Troye, waiting until they were walking side by side before speaking.

"Looking for anything in particular?"

"Not really..."

Troye appeared to be eyeing the few people loitering by the front door and he slid his hands into his pockets before averting his gaze to the floor.

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