Chapter 31: Wicked Game

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What a wicked game you played

To make me feel this way

What a wicked thing to do

To let me dream of you

What a wicked thing to say

You never felt this way

What a wicked thing to do

To make me dream of you

- James Vincent

*****************Trigger warning:  There are several allusions made in this chapter which may be upsetting to some readers************************

Tyler's POV:

Tyler woke with a start. It was still dark outside. He glanced at the clock on the nightstand and saw that it was barely two a.m. He glanced around and saw that he was alone. Troye was nowhere to be found.

Tyler lay back down and wasn't able to think, wasn't able to question why because the disappointment was fucking crippling.


Tyler woke up again. This time, it was past dawn and the room was lit in shades of pink and gold. He looked around sleepily to see Caspar sitting on the opposite couch, staring off into space.

"Caspar?" Tyler murmured, rubbing his eyes in confusion. "What are you doing here? How did you even get in?"

Caspar didn't move. "You left your front door unlocked."

Yeah, he had. He'd left it unlocked in case...

"What are you doing here?"

Caspar still didn't moved. Instead he said, "You pinkie promised me something a long time ago and I want to cash in on that."

Tyler turned over on his side so he could see Caspar properly. "What?"

"Remember that time we were in my room and I asked you why you were helping Troye, and you said you didn't know?"

Tyler automatically tensed at the mention of Troye. "What are you-"

"Do you still not know?"

Tyler peered at Caspar for a long time, trying to process the conversation and wondering if Caspar was actually expecting an answer.

Finally, he said, "What's going on, Caspar?"

Caspar frowned at him, some thought turning in his eyes. "I don't know for sure, but..."

Caspar shook his head, rubbing his temples as though they hurt.

"Troye. Something's going on with him. He's not talking to me."

Tyler laughed humorlessly. "Not to be a jerk, Caspar. But Troye doesn't talk to anyone."

Caspar didn't move for a moment, then he said quietly, "That's not fair and you know it."

Tyler shrugged, discomfited by the censure in Caspar's gaze. "Caspar, I just woke up, I can't-'

"This is serious." Caspar interrupted, eyebrows drawing down. "I'm worried about him, Tyler. And he won't talk to me." Caspar repeated the last sentence again, putting deliberate emphasis on the last word.

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