Chapter 17: The Symposium

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"Having perfected our disguise, we spend our lives searching for someone we don't fool."
― Robert Brault

Caspar's POV

Caspar ran across the pavement, ducking under an awning just as the first drops of rain began to fall. He waited as Tyler pulled up beside him and quickly got into the passenger seat.

"Well," Caspar shook a few drops of water from his sleeve. "I guess we're not going today."

Tyler nodded, peering outside as the first crack of thunder sounded. "I didn't think it would be this bad."

The rain came down harder as Tyler pulled away from the curb.

"Hey," Caspar bolted up, staring hard out of the window. "Isn't that Troye?"

"What?" Tyler glanced over but quickly returned his eyes to the road. "You sure?"

"I think so." Caspar stared harder at the figure he was pretty sure was his roommate. After a moment of walking, the figure held his messenger bag over his head, head down and shoulders hunched as he continued forward.

"Pull over."

Tyler nodded and quickly switched lanes. "What the hell is he doing out here?" He muttered, face sketched with lines of consternation and worry. "I thought he said he was working on something."

Tyler pulled up to the curb before Caspar could respond. Caspar quickly opened the door and poked his head out.


The figure ahead of him jumped and turned around, giving Caspar his first clean look at the familiar face.


Caspar shook his head and sat back, watching as Troye walked towards the car.

"Hey, Troye." Caspar greeted, talking a little louder over the backdrop of the rain hissing down. "Are you aware that it is raining right now?"

Troye didn't respond right away. His dark hair was drenched and plastered to the side of his face and Caspar saw his eyes move over to Tyler. A brief smile touched his lips.

"Hey, Tyler."

Caspar looked over to see that Tyler wasn't smiling back. His gaze moved over Troye's rain-soaked figure, his brows drawn in obvious concern.

"What are you doing out here? I thought you-"

Tyler stopped and shook his head. "Never mind. Come on, get in."

Troye looked down at his clothes. "My clothes are wet."

Caspar and Tyler shared a brief look before Tyler turned back to Troye. "C'mon Troye, get in. It's raining men out here."

Still, Troye hesitated a moment longer. "But what if I get your car wet?"

Tyler let out a low sigh but said nothing, only gave Troye an expectant look.

Troye gave his clothes another brief perusal before nodding slightly and climbing into the backseat. He arranged his bag in the space between his knees and immediately began using his shirt to try to dry himself off, seemingly still concerned with getting Tyler's seats wet.

Caspar glanced over and wasn't surprised to see Tyler's eyes on the rear-view mirror.

"Eyes on the road Oakley," Caspar said mildly, pitching his voice low so it wouldn't be heard in the back. He watched with amusement as Tyler jerked and dragged his gaze away.

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