Chapter 2: Howl

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"The weight of the world is love.  Under the burden of solitude,  under the burden of dissatisfaction the weight, the weight we carry is love. "

  ― Allen Ginsberg, Howl and Other Poems

Tyler's POV

The man standing beside Headmaster Green had thin lips and a blotchy complexion topped with thinning hair.  He surveyed the student sitting in front of him and at first glance, he seemed emotionally detached, but a closer look at his expression revealed otherwise.  Looking at the student seated across from the headmaster, a perceptible look of dislike crossed his countenance.  His lip curled down when the student looked at him, although he glanced at the headmaster and quickly smoothed out the expression.  Looking at him, the student wondered idly what the cafeteria would be serving for lunch that day, and how much time this meeting would take.

"So, Mr. Oakley", Hank sat back in his chair and surveyed the student.  "You are registered in Mr. Parker's class this semester and he has requested I call this meeting to address some of his concerns regarding your behavior."

Tyler Oakley shifted up in his seat and looked at Mr. Parker, his eyes wide with innocence and confusion.  "Concerns sir?  What concerns do you have about me.?"

Mr. Parker's face shifted into an almost- scowl as he opened a thick folder sharply.  "Let's start with you previous roommates and what happened to them.  Can you explain what happened with Tony Steven?"

 "Ahh yes, Bachelor #1," Tyler smiled fondly and leaned back into his chair in a half-swoon. "Dear Tony from Minnesota who prayed every night for God to protect him from the gay agenda."  Tyler shook his head in sorrow.  "I tried to make it work, there was just something about him clutching his cross every time he saw me that really stirred the blood, you know?"  Tyler sighed and let his shoulders droop.  "Alas, it was not meant to be, he was already in love with another guy."  Tyler stopped talking abruptly and looked closely at the two men.  "Hey, do either of you know who this 'Jesus Christ' guy is?  Tony wouldn't shut up about him." When neither man responded, Tyler shrugged indifferently.  "Oh, well. I couldn't really get serious with a guy who had two first names anyway."

Mr. Parker looked at him with carefully constructed calm while Hank avoided his gaze altogether, although his mouth appeared to be twitching. Tyler looked at Mr. Parker expectantly and after a stiff silence, he continued.  "Would you care to explain why you were unable to successfully cohabitate with a second roommate?  Tate Milton only lived with you for-"

"Yes, the honeymoon was quite short with Tate."  Tyler's hands tightened in his lap, but he kept his expression light and carefree.  "I appreciate romance as well as the next man, but it was a bit disconcerting to wake up and find him in my bed humping my leg like some damned dog."

Mr. Parker looked at him with a condescending kind of patience before saying, "are you implying that Mr. Milton is a homosexual?"  His voice was incredulous and there was a faint undercurrent of disgust in his voice.  Tyler's expression slipped for the first time as he looked at Mr. Parker with ill-conceived dislike.

"God forbid."  He said calmly.  He resisted the urge to glance at the clock, knowing Mr. Parker would stretch the meeting out if he thought Tyler had somewhere to be.  "Is that all this meeting was about?  I'm sure your roommate selection will be better this year.  I mean, it could hardly be worse."

 After a pointed look from Mr. Parker, Hank cleared his throat.  "Actually Mr. Oakley, Mr. Parker asked me to address something else.  There was an incident involving Mr. Parker's car last semester.  A...can of tuna was found in his air conditioning and appeared to have been there for quite some time.  Mr. Parker seems to think you-"

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