Chapter 30: The Mirror

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"They should love you, just as you are. Parents should love their kids, right?"
"You'd think so."
― N.R. Walker

Hank's POV:

With a sigh, Hank tipped back his chair and kicked his feet up onto the desk. He swayed back and forth, rocking back and forth while his gaze automatically roamed his office.

The door to the office opened abruptly and Hank hastily dropped his feet and sat up straighter, shuffling a few papers on his desk. His secretary walked in, dark brown eyes darting across the room before they settled on him. As she moved forward, she expertly balanced a silver tray that held a pot of steaming water, some coasters, a few tea bags and mugs.

She strode across the room and set the tray carefully on the desk before turning to him.

"Sir, you have your meeting with the board at three, I've already prepared your report and it will be waiting for you."

"Right. Thank you, Ashley." Hank said in relief, once again silently thanking his guardian angel for sending him someone so capable.

Ashley nodded and turned back towards the desk. She deftly set three coasters on the desk, then put the mugs on top of them. In the same movement, she pulled out three different tea bags and splayed them next to the mug. She picked up the pot and poured hot water into the mug, stopping with space at the top.

Setting the pot to the side, Ashley pushed her thick black hair over her shoulder and stood to attention, turning back to Hank attentively.

"I brought the tea and have coffee brewing by my desk, if they would prefer that instead."

Hank nodded. "Perfect. Are they ready to come in?"

"The father has been ready for quite some time." Ashley hesitated, a faint frown pulling at her lips. "He has expressed some concern that his son is being included today."

Hank sighed, absently rubbing a cramp that had formed in his shoulder. "I'm sure you've already reassured him."

Ashley nodded, her cool brown eyes narrowing slightly before seemingly making the decision to move on.

Without looking at anything for reference, Ashley dutifully said, "I've taken the liberty of moving your next appointment back a half-hour as I believe this will take longer than anticipated. You're appointment with the Board remains unaffected, as does the inspection scheduled with the city. Mr. Thoms has also requested feedback on when he will be receiving his new batch of equipment and how many he is cleared for."

Hank sighed again, rubbing his forehead and wondering if he had any vacation time coming up.

Ashley continued, "There are five pending calls regarding last month's outbreak of food poisoning and the Superintendent called wanting to know why he has not yet been briefed. There was a possible incident of vandalism last night by the front gate and maintenance would like to know whether the police should be involved. Mr. Parker would also like your input as to whether he should suspend Mr. Penton or merely mark down his work."

Hank drummed his fingers on his desk, waiting to respond, before he saw that she wasn't done speaking.

"There is also the matter of the media requesting a statement regarding the-"

"You know what?" Hank stood up and stretched, ignoring the disapproving look on Ashley's face as he strode past her. "I think I will see them now. Don't worry, I'll go get them."

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