Chapter 40: Ocean Eyes

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And for her eyes: what could such eyes do there But weep, and weep, that they were born so fair?

- Keats, Lamia

Tyler's POV

Troye was against the wall, standing with a girl he recognized from Troye's art class.

Tyler smiled slowly, glancing at Troye over his shoulder.

He could tell the day had been rough for him. Troye looked exhausted, standing off to the side, waiting for him to finish his conversation.

He turned back to his lab partner, Josh. "I'll get that to you by next week. See you later?"

Josh nodded and was swept away by one of his friends. Tyler turned back to Troye and saw that the girl from his class had left. He made his way over and Troye smiled at him, warm and bright and carefully composed.

They stood beside each other silently, waiting until the crowd of students had thinned, before making their way back to the house.

Tyler waited until they were off the main grounds before catching Troye's hand and pulling him to a stop. Troye looked up quizzically and Tyler touched his forehead to Troye's.


Troye closed his eyes, swallowing hard. "Hi."

Tyler didn't want to impose on Troye, but he still rested his head on Troye's for another moment. As soon as he possibly could, he made himself step back, gave Troye some space.

"Bad day?" Tyler asked softly.

Troye nodded but didn't say anything else about it. "Can we just go home?"

"Yeah, babe." Tyler continued walking and Troye followed. "We can talk more at home."

But Troye didn't want to talk. Tyler tried to get him to say what had happened but Troye didn't want to talk at all. He didn't answer any of Tyler's questions, except the last one; Troye said "No," when Tyler finally asked him if he wanted to be alone.

Tyler bit his lip, and he could hear his father's voice echoing in his head-you're so immature- and he realized that, at least in this case, his father was right, because he had no idea what to do or say to actually help Troye. He had no idea where to even start.

Tyler tentatively sat down on the bed beside Troye, and even more tentatively, after a few long minutes, put his arm around Troye's shoulders.

Troye stiffened but let Tyler side-hug him. Eventually he softened, even leaned closer a little.

Troye fell asleep at some point and Tyler stayed with him the rest of the afternoon, bringing his homework into the bedroom and working quietly. Eventually, the light faded too much and he retreated back into the kitchen, closing the door softly behind him.

He glanced at the time and weighed his options. He didn't think Troye would be up for leaving the house, which meant his idea of dinner at their favorite spot was out. Instead, he popped some frozen burgers and fries in the oven. He quickly plated the meals and crept back towards the room.

He carefully opened it, sliding in so as to not let in much light. It didn't matter. Even though the light didn't touch him, Troye rolled over in bed, his legs sliding against the sheets. Tyler shut the door behind him.

"Hey, it's me."

"Hi," Troye's voice was immediately clear, if a bit hoarse. He sat up, looking around, slightly disoriented. "What time is it?"

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