Chapter 16: And So It Goes

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In every heart there is a room
A sanctuary safe and strong
To heal the wounds from lovers past
Until a new one comes along  

- Billy Joel

Tyler's POV

Emily's was always busy this time of night no matter what day it was. Good food, good atmosphere, people with money eager to spend it. The lights on the veranda highlighted the corresponding veins of light on the streets and peppered the hoods of various luxury cars. A line for the valet filled the front of the parking lot and Tyler was glad Caspar had made sure his car would be attended to immediately. Having a friend with a restaurateur for a father did have some perks.

Tyler pulled up the collar on his coat and dipped his chin behind the fold of the lapels. Even under layers of expensive clothes, the cold found a way in. He handed his car over to his valet, ignoring the glares he received from waiting patrons. He jogged between the lines of waiting cars, passing two identical Lamborghinis parked side by side. The people in the front moved and he followed them inside.

Inside, the light clogging the air was broken by almost gaudy looking crystal chandeliers. Silverware made delicate scrapes against fine china, adding a gritty layer to the liquid thrill of voices. Somewhere amongst the crowded tables, someone tapped their wine glass and made a toast while closer to the front of the restaurant, a woman laughed.

Tyler straightened out his suit. Even though the suit had been custom made and was appropriate for the venue, he still felt a little out of place. He spotted the host and stepped next to the small table. The man skimmed his gaze over Tyler. "I'm sorry...sir. To eat here, you have to have a reservation."

"I do."

The host wrinkled his nose. "Really? How old are you?

He snapped his fingers and waved his question away before Tyler could answer. "What is your name?"

"Tyler Oakley."

He flipped through a piece of paper. "Sorry, I don't have an Oakley listed here."

Tyler frowned. "I have a reservation."

"Maybe you called the wrong number?" The host suggested sweetly. "It happens a lot."

"I'm not the one who made the reservation...will you please check again?"

"Hmm." The host made a big show of his search. Flipping paper, checking his black book, shaking his head sadly. "No, sorry. I don't have any Oakley listed. If you would like, I can try to squeeze you in for next week. But I can't make any promises-"

A woman in a fur coat cut ahead of him. Just like that, he became invisible. Tyler's frown deepened and he gave the host the glare he deserved before backing away. He dug out his phone and dialed Caspar's number.

The phone rang for so long Tyler was sure it would go to voicemail, but at the last moment Caspar answered it.

"Hello?" Caspar sounded breathless. Tyler didn't even want to know.

"Caspar, when are you getting here?"

"I'm still getting ready-" Tyler heard a loud rip on the other end of the line, followed by a string of decorative curses from Caspar. "Motherfu-wait, why?"

"I can't get in."

"What?" Caspar's breath was a mixture of wheezes and pants.

Tyler pulled the phone an inch from his ear and stared at it before putting it back. "Caspar, what the hell are you doing?"

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