Chapter Part 42: Waves

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"Happiness, not in another place but this place...not for another hour, but this hour."

-Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass

Troye's POV

Troye sat up in bed, gasping. Unfamiliar room. Walls too far away, his bed an island in a frozen sea of moonlight. Safe. Awake.


He collapsed onto the pillow. His shirt stuck to his sweaty skin like cling wrap. Just a nightmare. Over now. He inhaled deeply, flooding his body with cold air, and something familiar tickled his nose. A cloying, coppery sweetness.

He turned his head.

It was dark-no surprise there-but the darkness was prickly and uneven. It seemed to shuffle and rearrange itself like a deck of cards as he turned to face it.

The hall beyond the room was dark, but a milky haze of moonlight lay on the hardwood, broken by the thing in the doorway. By the shadow he'd know anywhere.

This isn't real. He told himself. You're still asleep.

He closed his eyes and breathed. Chills scurried up his bare arms like insects with too many legs.

Wake up now, Troye. Wake up.

He opened his eyes. The shadow stood beside his bed.

"Tyler," he screamed, rolling away. "Tyler. Help. Please."

He kept screaming as he ripped the sheets off and crashed to the floor. His palms slapped icy wood. He scrambled blindly, one leg caught in the sheets, trapped. He didn't even realized the room light was on and Tyler was calling his name until he crouched down, palms out in a soothing gesture.

"Troye," he said. "Are you okay?"

In seconds it all became ridiculous. Him tangled in a sheet on the floor, screaming like a child, Tyler glancing around the room, examining every corner, fists clenched tight like he wanted to use it.

Troye slumped against the wall. "He was here."

"You were having a nightmare."

"How do I know I'm awake now?"

Tyler's face softened. "It's okay, Troye. I'm here. You're okay."

This had happened before. Troye never remembered calling for him, but one night, he woke panicking and found Tyler asleep on the floor beside his bed, wild purple hair and splayed limbs, guarding his dreams. Troye had watched him until he dozed off again. They hadn't talked about it after.

"Sorry," he said. "I shouldn't have disturbed you."

"It's okay."

" must be getting tired of having to always do this."

Tyler was quiet, apparently searching for an appropriate response if the look on his was was anything to go by. He finally settled on, "No. I don't mind it."

Tyler scooted up to open the window above them. Cold air shrilled in. Tyler wore only a t-shirt and boxer shorts and Troye looked away when Tyler looked at him.

He sat by Troye's side, resting his arms against his drawn-up knees.

"Do you want to tell me about your dream?"

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