A Thing of Beauty: Prologue Part 2

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"The loneliest moment in someone's life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly." 

― F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

*****SMUT WARNING*****


Snow fell from the sky in fluffy puffs and a brisk wind blew, making Troye shiver slightly despite the layers he was bundled into.  He sighed contently as he closed his eyes, sticking his tongue out to try to catch the snowflakes before they fell to the ground. 

James smiled as he watched him, happy to see him in such a good mood.  As quietly as he could, he leaned down to form a snowball, turning and mercilessly hurling it at his best friend.  Troye stumbled and let out a strangled shout, turning to scowl at James.  James bent over in laughter at his expression, then shouted when he felt ice slither down his back.  He gaped at Troye, who had already jumped out of reach.  "I can't believe you just did that!" 

Troye only grinned and batted his eyes innocently.  "I guess that's what you get for messing with me", he shrugged indifferently, then held up his hands as he took in the look in James' eyes.  "Hold on, wai-".  But it was too late, James had already tackled him to the ground.  Troye landed on his back with a whump, his breath knocked out of him, leaving him gasping as he simultaneously laughed, squirmed and pleaded with James.  "I'm sorry! Please, no, wait, James-"

James straddled Troye, pushing down firmly with his hips to keep him in place as he shoved handfuls of snow against the bare skin of his back.  Troye shrieked, bucking his hips and arching his back in an unsuccessful attempt to escape.

"Shit!" He gasped, continuing to squirm under James. "Shit, shit, it's fucking cold-"

"Mr. Sivan!" James said in a scandalized tone, delighted that he had managed to make Troye swear.  "Such language!  What would your father think?" 

It was the absolute worst thing he could have said, as Troye immediately froze beneath him.  Shit.  He thought.  You're such a fucking idiot.  "I-I'm sorry Troye, I didn't mean-". 

"It's ok James", Troye said quietly, but he didn't meet James' eyes as he continued.  "Um...I think we should go in now".  James nodded reluctantly and got up, clasping Troye's arm to help him up as well.  He felt himself getting anxious when he noticed Troye still wasn't meeting his eyes. 

Trying to recapture the earlier mood, he said brightly "so...we're gonna hang in your room right?" 

Troye nodded and managed to flash a smile in his direction.  "Yeah, let's just go change first, we're a mess".  James nodded and watched Troye walk through the front door, before racing towards the back door and heading to the room he shared with his sister Kayla. 

 He burst into the room out of breath and immediately grabbed a change of clothes from the floor, sniffing them quickly to make sure they were clean.  Kayla looked up from the book she had been reading and watched him hurry towards the bathroom to change.  "Hey, what's the rush?" she called as he closed the door. 

"I don't know", his voice came out muffled as he hurriedly pulled his shirt up over his head.  "I just left Troye in a weird mood and I don't really want him to be by himself right now".  He quickly donned his new clothes and ripped the door open, only to find Kayla staring at him pointedly. 

"James, why don't you just tell him how you feel already?  This is getting kind of sad".  James sighed and ran his hand through his hair in frustration.  This was not the first time they had had this conversation.

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