[2] snowy sightseeing

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chapter 2. snowy sightseeing

song - there she goes (The La's)

"there she goes, there she goes again. racing  through my brain"

[ New York, United States, January 28th, 2018 ]

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[ New York, United States, January 28th, 2018 ]


  Snow was softly falling outside, covering the trees with a glistening white color. The buildings decorating New York city were barely seen over the thick snow that was coming in small flecks from the cloud filled sky.

  Inside her apartment, Katherine had just woken up to find that it was snowing outside her window, smiling brightly, she quickly got out of bed and looked around her new home, proud of all that she and Charles had achieved in terms of decorating the past day.

  Speaking of Charles, the man was currently thrown across Katherines couch in a mess of blankets and pillows. Turns out, they had spent so long getting everything organized that by the time they were done, it was already three in the morning, meaning poor Charles never got the chance to get himself the coffee he had been craving, explaining why he was now spread out across the couch and sleeping heavily.

  Katherine grinned lightly at her friend and got herself some warm clothes for the day before she headed into her bathroom and turned on the shower. Waiting for it to heat up, she looked around the cupboard from her bathroom, smiling proudly at how organized she had managed to make it.

  Once she had successfully taken a shower, Katherine dried her hair as quickly as she could and put on her clothes before she headed back to the living room to find that Charles was in fact, still there. 

  Sighing deeply, the woman grabbed a pillow that was on the floor and threw it at his head, seeing as he quickly darted up and looked around with a confused look which quickly turned to an irritated one when he saw Katherine grinning at him.

  "Geez what was that for Katherine" he complained, getting up from the couch and running his hands across his clothes "I was sleeping you know"

  "I'm fully aware of that fact Charlie" the woman spoke with a smug voice, reaching over to grab her purse and phone "but I believe that I promised you coffee and you promised me that you would show me around"

  "What? Like now?" the dark haired man asked "I just woke up Kate, I haven't even had the time to go into my apartment after I spent the entirety of last night helping you"

  "Exactly, you just woke up, so what better thing to do then go get some coffee?" the woman pointed out, watching as her friend slowly nodded his head and followed her out the door.

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