[9] mommy dearest

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chapter 9. mommy dearest

song - fix you (Coldplay)

"Lights will guide you home and ignite your bones, and I will try to fix you"

"Lights will guide you home and ignite your bones, and I will try to fix you"

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[ New York, United States, March 15th, 2018 ]


  Katherine was tense. It was late into rehearsal, her throat was tired from so much singing, her legs hurt from all the dancing and she could feel that her back was starting to ache.

  But that was far from the problem. 

  The real problem had yet to arrive. Earlier that week, Katherine had been enjoying some coffee with Charles when her phone rang. She had seen that her sister was calling her and she picked up enthusiastically. They had chatter for a while and everything seemed to be normal, that is, until Lilly mentioned that their mother was looking to visit New York.

  Heres a quick backstory on Katherines relationship with her parents.

  Her father spent most of the time working so she never really saw him during weekdays. However, when they did spend time together, she really enjoyed herself and she has nothing to complain about when it comes to him. He is a hardworking, loving and kind man who always looked out for her and Lilly.

  But when it comes to her mother, that's when issues arise. Throughout her whole childhood, all Katherine did was try to please the woman, but it seemed like no matter what she did, she could never seem to make her mother proud. Visits from her mother were usually filled with snide comments that would get Katherine down. And for that very reason, she was not at all looking forward to this.

  And now, Katherine was leaning against the wall of the dance studio, watching the dancers finish stretching and preparing herself for when her parents and Lilly got there. She had talked to John about it, promising that they were only going to quickly come in and say hello to her and then they would be on their way to their hotel.

  Katherine closed her eyes and tried to take deep breaths. She could feel her heart beating irregularly against her chest as she felt a wave of anxiety wash over her. All she wished for was a normal mother, one that congratulated her daughters achievements instead of belittling them.

  She was just thankful for the fact that the visit would be short, just a weekend and then her family would go back to California and leave her be. It was really a shame, because she enjoyed spending time with her father and sister, but the thought of having to heard little remarks from her mother throughout the visit made her forget all about that fact.

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