Special bit

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One regular day at the Gaster house...

Oh no! Wing! Come help me! Miss Gastershadow isn't breathing! Swap said with panic in his voice.
Coming! Do you know how this happened? Wing Dings said as he ran around the corner of the house with a med kit.
I don't know! She just fell over! Maybe all the stress and writers block killed her. Swap answered.
Fair, I understand that. Seems highly possible. Well she's breathing now, but out cold. She should probably rest a lot and try to de-stress. As hard as that will be. Wing responded.
Trying to get her to rest will be a chore, but I'll nurse her back to health! Swap said with determination in his eyes.
Uhh hi guys. What happened? Oh God, my head hurts. Miss author regains consciousness.
Miss Gastershadow! Are you okay? You passed out, and you weren't breathing for a bit there. I was so worried! Swap said, helping her to stand.
Listen to me, Miss Gastershadow. You are overworking yourself and getting too stressed out. You need to take a break and stop worrying about updating. If I even see you near your laptop there will be consequences. Wing said with a very serious look in his eyes.
Oh! But Wing Dings, I haven't updated in forever! How am I supposed to tell everyone that I need to take a hiatus inside my current hiatus? Besides, I don't even have any updates ready, and it's been practically a year. Wing, even if you confine me to bed, I'll be stressed out by not doing anything. The author said while running her hands through her hair.
That may all be true, but I ask that you try for my sake. Can't write anything dead. Also, you not having any updates ready is completely your fault. If you take a week to rest, I'll help you write, okay? Wing replied as he gave Miss author a hug.
Let's go inside now guys. And Miss Gastershadow, after you rest, we will all help you to write! Swap said with determination in his eyes once again.
Okay guys, thank you. I'll do my best to rest. Love you all!

Yeah so ummm. I'm working on a few chapters, but I'm so behind and brain dead. This is what I have for you. I'll have the current requests finished soon enough. Thank you so much for the patience. Love you guys!

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