Dare 12

66 3 6

Hi guys! First dare in a long time, so no complaints! Is everyone here?

Wing: I do believe everyone is around today.
B: I'm here! Doing good guys, I was just reading my script for the next episode of Trying to Remain, which you guys should check out as Miss GasterShadow is working really hard on it! But first you should go check out NewTale Gaster, my personal life story!

Fell: yeah okay we are all here.
Swap: I'm here!! Hoi friends!
Stars: it's been awhile guys! How are you all doing?

Ok so this dare was requested by star-born-child! So for this dare, I need to summon a special friend to join us! Everyone welcome Flame!

Hi Flame!

Flame: what the fu*k? Who are you people? Why are you here?

Well you see, my friend Fell here thought you needed some love.

Fell: wait what? I mean, yeah absolutely lol

Flame: this is stupid I'm leaving.

Go Fell!

Fell proceeds to tackle Flame and pick him up bridal style and pat his head and cuddle him close.

Fell: there, there, everyone needs hugs sometimes.

Flame: *purrs and cuddles close to Fell.

Awwwwwwe so cute! OwO *takes quick pic* I'm saving that forever. Well it's been great guys! Feel free to request stuff and I'll do my best to do everything you all want! See y'all later! Say bye guys!

Bye! :-)

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