Head Cannon!

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When Y/N is sick

Brings medicine, fluffs pillows, brings whatever food or drink you want whenever, sits with you, will hold your hair back if you throw up, does basically whatever you ask of him.

Brings medicine and will work in your room to be near you and assist you if you need anything.

Will curl up and stay with you for as long as it takes you to get better. He usually ends up sick as well.

Fell: is always really concerned and watches over you 24/7 to make sure you are cared for.

Gives you medicine and leaves you alone for a few days.

Does just about anything you want.

Disappears until he is sure you are better because of germs, but will help if you request it or if the gang is sick too.

When Swap is sick:

Takes over the cleaning and lends him his CD player so he can listen to music while he's sick and watches anime with him and will just be there whenever he wants or needs him. Usually gets sick too.

Brings medicine and helps B clean. He usually does all the work in the lab too, as Stars takes over the cooking.

Cooks and does just about anything Swap usually does. Keeps Wings away from the kitchen since anything he makes is a hazard.

Fell: curses all he likes but is still concerned for his friend and will hang out with him if he's not with B.

Why would he be around if Swap is sick? He would be kept far away since they don't want him taking advantage that Swap is weak.

Maestro: won't hang out, but will help Stars cook and bring food over.

Ok that's all! Hope you enjoy!

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