Dare 11!

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Heyyyyyyyyyyy peeps! I have no energy and I don't even know why I'm trying to update now. Its almost 5 an and I haven't gone to sleep yet but here i am writing in this book. Kill me now. Requesting hugs.
*Swap appears and hugs Author Chan*
Don't worry Author! It'll be ok! At least you don't have school tomorrow because of the Corona Virus!
That's not good Swap. At least at school I could hang out with my friends. Speaking of though, take care of yourselves readers! Stay inside! Right now I'm living introvert heaven. I'm not supposed to leave and no one is coming to visit me! I can just enjoy solitude! Ahhh life. I wish it was like this every day minus people being sick and dying. I'm used to locking up in my house and never leaving though. I'm just bummed since my audition got cancelled. But enough about me! We have a dare from @TheDonkeyKing who has dared Fell to do the chicken dance while everyone else throws eggs at him. He's currently out of the house again, but I'll just boop him here. *Boops Fell to them* hey Fell! Dare!

Fell: seriously. People are dying, B is in critical condition, and people are still daring?

Of course! What else are they supposed to do? Everyone is kinda on quarantine. So ya. Also this dare came before the Corona was a big threat and I was just too busy to get to it. However! After this dare then I will be caught up!

Fell: fine let's just do this. *Starts dancing the chicken dance*

*Author summons eggs and makes Swap and Stars throw them at Fell while throwing some themselves*

Fell: ow! Ugh,these hurt! Ughhh gross ewwwwwww come on! Fuck it! Shit! Cunt! MotherFucker! Dick! What the hell!

Swap: * grabs pan*

Hahahahahahahahahaha * author Chan on floor dying of laughter*

Lol ok so that's it I suppose! Fell go take a shower! Nuu get away from me!!!! *Fell chases gastershadow to try and hug her and get eggy stuff on her*

Thanks for requesting, sorry about language! It's 5 am now and I'm going to sleep. Later peeps!

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