Dare 8!

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Hey guys! It's me again! I'm alive lol... So sorry for being quiet. I'm heading home now so I will have more time to write so look forward to that. Let's get this done, right guys?

Fell: Y E S

He's still upset about B...

Wing: of course he is! You would be too if that happened to you!

I had to write it dude.

Wing: no you didn't! Nobody told you that you had to write a chapter like that!

Let's see you try it then.

Stars: please... Don't argue... B wouldn't want us to fight.

Fell: S T O P

Anyways! We have a dare from @KakiTheCat who dares Wing to take a nap. Let's see you do it!

Wing: that dare is stupid! I just want to watch B and sleep.

Stars: I can handle it. Go take a nap.

Wing: I don't want to-

Fell: D O IT N O W

Yup you have no choice. Stars and Swap can take care of this! Any day Maestro could come, and I don't want him to see this. Go take a nap quickly, and I'll help Swap clean up. There's blood everywhere. I'll stick around today to help you guys out since I'm not currently able to write in NewTale Gaster. So for now! Wings is taking a nap, Fell is going to SwapFell, and Stars will stay in the lab. Me and Swap can handle stuff around the house. Later guys! Sorry for short chapter, I just really wanted to get something published lol

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