Question 4!

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Hi guys! Today we have a question from @Stoyoy!
It's for everyone! But unfortunately, B is sick and won't be here so I shall answer for him. But, we do have a special guest today! Maestro! Yay!(just cause I felt like adding him. Also SwapFell will be here too I guess)

Wing: I gotta care for B, make it fast.

Stars: he's asleep, you don't have a excuse.

Wing: snap!

Swap: hello Maestro!

Fell: sup dude

Maestro: hello thou Gasters! How art thou?

Swap: we are fine, how are you?

Maestro: I am glad thee has been well, I have been well as well.

SwapFell: hello humans~

Ok, so the question is: how do the Gasters like the evil versions of themselves? Let me explain something real quick! They have never actually met them. They have heard of them, and they have an idea of who they are, but they have never actually talked. In addition, I am not very familiar with that AU either. So here we go!

Fell: eh. I could be just a insane if I wanted to be.

Swap: please don't, your crazy enough.

Stars: well, I for one am disturbed that people like them exist. However, I will try to keep an open mind.

Wing: I wasn't really listening when I was told who they were so I have no idea what you guys are talking about.

B: well, I wish I had a chance to talk to my counterpart, for I was told that he could see. I wish I knew how he managed that...

Maestro: *shudders* I have heard horror stories of thee. I do not wish to meet thou.

SwapFell: well~ I don't know, they might be nice~

So ya,  I don't really know what else to do. Hope you enjoy!

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