First one shot!

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Hey guys! Today we have a one shot! Thank you @TheDonkeyKing for requesting! Here we gooooooooooooooo!

SwapFell's Pov:

  I was preparing a beautiful picnic basket for my Fell~  I made sure it had everything he liked. Plenty of meat, chips, unhealthy stuff. I even snatched some of Swap's cookies. I put it in a big basket with a green blanket that was on the couch. I also grabbed some fake flowers off the counter. I knew Fell was in the shower so I quickly got dressed in a clean lab coat with a red turtle neck shirt.  I went and waited till he left the bathroom, then grabbed him and pushed him into the closet and closed the door behind myself. Fell tried to push me off but I remained strong. I whispered: hey there~ come here often~ I have somewhere else for you to go~ with me~ Fell~ he blushed and pushed me off and opened the door at the same time so that I fell flat on my back. Wing was passing on the way to the lab and just kinda glanced his way and said: I don't think I want to know what's going on. Then he just barely avoided stepping on my face and left. I grabbed Fell's arm and brought him down on top of me and kissed him. Stars was following Wing and looked at us disgusted then stepped on my hand  as he left. I yelped and glared at him. Then I grabbed Fell's hand and kissed it before asking him if he would go with me on a date. He looked like he was about to say no, then he noticed the the basket. He peeked inside and said: ...fine... I smiled and dragged him to just out of sight of the house. I took out the blanket and laid it out. I took out the food too and put it out. Fell grabbed a sandwich and started eating. I ate a little but I mostly just watched him eat with a smile on my face. Because it was me, he probably thought it creepy, but I know if it was anyone else he would have loved it. The fact that he treated me different from any other person made me regret everything. I knew I deserved his shunning. I was lost in thought as i watched him eat, then I saw he was done. I asked him if he enjoyed it. He said sure but seemed uncomfortable. I said: well then~ what do you want to do now~  he shifted away from me and said: uh kill you? Rude~ c'mon Felly~ loosen up~ he flicked my head and said: well what do you want me to do? Well~ I would like you to fuck me~ he spit and choked on his juice and spat out: H E L L N O
But I got you all this food~ still no! The fudk man! I'm leaving unless you give me a reasonable thing to do. Well~ do you want to watch a movie? I brought the tablet. Tch, fine. Let's watch Creepypasta! That's not a real movie idiot. But I wanna watch itttttttttt. Fine whatever. Child. Yay! Let's watch: I eat pasta for breakfast! Whatever man, just start it.

Later bois~

We walked back into the house laughing and pushing each other jokingly. We found Swap and Stars and Wing looking all around the living room for something and B standing teary eyed by the door. Fell immediately asked who was making B cry. Swap told us that B was upset because he couldn't find the blanket Wing had given him for Valentine's day. SwapFell blushed and pulled it guiltily out of the basket. he tossed it to B who caught it and clutched it to himself. Swap yelled at SwapFell for taking it. We exchanged glances as I put on B's favorite musical to calm him down. He winked and I blushed. Wing and Stars had already headed to the lab, but Swap saw that wink and blush.

Hope this suffices! Thank you @TheDonkeyKing! Lol though! Hope your ok with how I made it turn out! Stars is going to tease Fell alot for that! Lolol

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