3rd One Shot!

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Heyyyyyyyyyyy guys! So we have another one shot from @Sam the bippy ! Hope you like it! It's a Stars x Workaholic Reader! Let's gooooooooooooooo!

I was scribbling away at my notes as I worked. I had promised to take a break, but that was before I had found a huge stack of assignments I had forgotten about! I couldn't possibly stop now! I would be in big trouble if I didn't get them done, and I wanted to prove to Wing that I could. Swap called us for lunch, and I groaned as I dragged myself away. I didn't want them to know that I was working so I had to pretend I wasn't tired or anything. I couldn't drink any more coffee then usual or they would suspect. I went downstairs and sat at my usual spot, stealing a glance at Stars. I had a crush on him. I mean, how could I not! He's tall, handsome, strong, nice, makes good coffee, he's the perfect specimen. Proof that humanity is not a lot cause even though he is a monster and an alien. But whatever!  If my friends were here, they would go on about how I was basically requesting hentai, but they aren't here so no one is teasing me. I kinda miss it. I was staring at a picture of my peeps yesterday. I'm sure they are all older and different now. Thinking about this only makes me what to work harder to get free. I didn't realize I was gripping my fork until Fell said: oy! Ease off the silverware!
I laughed and put it down. I ate fast and excused myself before heading upstairs again to continue my work. I didn't realize it was almost dinner time until I got a knock at my door. I hurried to pretend I wasn't working before telling them to come in. It was Stars,who immediately walked over and grabbed my paper off my desk and looked it over. I protested, but he just looked at me and then asked me why I was working when he had told me to leave it to him and Wings. I looked down and confessed it was because I really just wanted to prove myself. I thought it was to Dings, but I realized now that it was Stars I wanted to prove it to. He walked over to me and hugged me. He told me that I didn't need to, that he knew I was capable, but he didn't want to worry me when he was sure they would find an exit soon! I told him that I kinda like, liked him. He was shocked, and confessed that he had rising feelings for me as well, but he didn't want to tell me since he wasn't sure. He asked me if I'd be his date and if I would accept his mating dance as it was an ancient tradition of his weird alien tribe. I said sure, and he started it. By the end, we were both blushing and I kissed him and whispered in his ear: I accept. 

So that was weird. Hope you enjoyed! Thanks to @theDonkeyKing for giving me idea of a mating dance in one of your stories. That's all, see you guys later!

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