5th One shot

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Fell x b requested by: @SamTheBippy

B sat up on the examination table that he had woken up on. He was sore and it felt like a few of his bones were broken. He knew he had to escape this place, but he didn't know if he'd make it. He decided it was time to try. He slid of the table and fell to the floor. Yup, his leg was broken. He started to crawl desperately towards the exit. Before he knew it, he was outside! He tried to go even faster. He needs to leave! All of a sudden, he sees two skeleton feet in front of him. He screams and tries to run. The skeleton grabs him securely by the arm. Hey, are you okay? Not looking great there. What? This is another skeleton? B raises his head and makes eye contact with a rather vicious looking skeleton with a mean face and a red scarf. B can tell by looking at his face that this guy is safe. He decides to take a risk. Help me... he utters before collapsing.

Fell pov

Man, There's a lot of anomalies today. Wonder why... Hey, that one looks weird, I'm going to go see.  Woah is that a skeleton? How did he get here? Is he okay? He doesn't look great. I better check him out. Fell approaches cautiously. When he gets in front of the skeleton, it instantly screams. Oh shoot it needs to shut up. Hey, are you okay? Not looking great there. The skeleton looks up at Fell, and it was the most beautiful skeleton he'd ever seen. Green eyes and a green choker around his throat. The skeleton whispered help me  before it collapsed at his feet. Fell immediately freaked out, and carefully picked him up and started to check him over. Hey wake up! What happened to you?
Please help me. Oh geez. But how? Um I have some bandages, I should probably dress his wounds.

Some time later~

How are you doing?  Much better, thanks to you. :) I'm glad to hear it. So I've been thinking, you should probably stay here with me. I want to make sure you are safe. Thank you, I would love to stick with you. I can't ever thank you enough. No problem B. We are friends after all. Just friends? You never thought of maybe being something more? Umm yeah but no pressure! We can be friends, that's still okay. No, I'm fine with being maybe something a bit more. They lean in and share a romantic kiss. And have a happy ever after until one day when another skeleton fell from the sky...

Well I hope you like your story Sam! Its not my best work but I confess to being extremely tired. The rest of your requests are on the way! :-)

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