question 2!

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Ok this question is from KakiTheCat! Hope you enjoy it! Are you guys ready?

Fell: please just get it over with...

B: Fell, be nice. I'm sure this question won't be bad.

Fell: fine, but I did say please!

B: true...

Swap: now, let's get this question done guys.

Stars: I will go get Wing Dings...

That's ok Stars, he doesn't have to come, don't force him...

Stars: if I didn't force him, he wouldn't sleep, eat, or even live.

Heh, ok, go get him! And grab SwapFell while you're at it!

SwapFell: you called~

Wing Dings: ugh what now?

We have another question Dingus! And if you cooperate, this will be done faster!

Wing: ok...

Ok, the question is: besides Maestro, who is the best singer?

Everyone besides B: B is.

Swap: he almost never does sing, but when he does, he is almost as good as Maestro.

Stars: Maestro has never heard him cause he only does it when he feels completely alone and safe. We have heard him few times from the living room or our rooms.

Fell: I once heard him when I was out with the annomalys, his window was open.

Wing:  I have heard him sometimes when I'm working late.

B: *blushes and says* oh is that Maestro? Better go check!
*B yeets out of there*

Welp, I hope that answered your questions! ( Maybe if we dare B then he would sing for Maestro and the rest of us in front of us)

So, that was it, please do send me some dares, questions, and oneshots!
Love ya!         

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