Dare 13!

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Hey everyone! We've got a dareeeee that's been sitting in my closet for like months!!(*years actually lol*) Let's get this going! "Can you run and grab everyone, Swap?"

"Sure thing Miss Gastershadow!" *Swap goes and grabs everyone*
"Hey everyone, it's been quite awhile. How are you are?" B says with a gentle smile.

"Ugh not another one, I was beginning to think we were done." Fell remarks with a frown.

"That's entirely my fault Fell. I was in a deep hole for quite awhile."

"Let's get on with it Miss Gastershadow, I hate to leave my work." Wings says with a straight expression.

"Alright Dings! This one is a dare for Stars."

"Me? Oh dear. What do I have to do?" Stars asks with a look of concern.

"It's not too bad, you just have to wear a dress!" I say with a shit eating grin. "And I took the liberty of bringing the dress with me right here!"

"What is wrong with you readers? Why must I put on a dress?" Stars asks with a frown.  *he puts on the dress. See picture for the dress he wore.* 

Well that's it for today

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Well that's it for today. Thank you everyone for tuning in, and I'll see you next time!

Hey guys I just checked and saw this sitting in my drafts and decided to go ahead and post it. Maybe I'll start writing again, my interest in Undertale and AUs has kinda come back. Also my writing has gotten a lot better since when I made this. I think I was like 14 or 15 lol. Anyways, if anyone is still out there, thanks!

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