Dare 2!

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Ok, so we have a dare from @TheDonkeyKing! Hope you enjoy!

Are you guys ready?

Fell: tch, whatever.

Swap: Fell! Don't be rude!

Fell: f off Chuckles
*Gets hit by pan*

Wing: please, can we have just one time where we just get to the point!

Stars: Dings, you spend enough time in your lab as it is!

Wing: whatever, your not my dad!

B: *sigh* please don't fight you guys...

Ok, so just so you guys know, B is sick, so he probably won't be around for a while. He definitely won't be able to do most dares, but I will tell you guys when he is feeling better!

Fell: ok, so what is the dare?

Oh, someone's eager! This dare is for you Fell!
@TheDonkeyKing dared you to kiss WingDings! Have fun!

Wing: *blushes deeply* d-do I have a say in this?

Fell: tch, what are you, a virgin? It's just a kiss! *Kisses Wing deeply then pulls away*

Wing: * dies*

Fell: lol

Wing: *yeets away*

Everyone else: that just happened.

Ok, well that's all for now! Hope you enjoyed! Love ya all!

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