7th Dare!

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Yo guys it's time for a dareeeeeeeeeeeee! Ya ready? Let's start!

Fell: tch, can we not?

Nope! However, B is not participating for obvious reasons if you read NewTale. Stars is going to watch him. Swap, can you grab Dings?

Swap: *wipes eyes from crying about B* sure...

Well, because we have so little people, I'm going to get Maestro!
*Magic author powers to make Maestro appear* *whispers don't let Maestro know what happened, he'll find out later! *

Maestro: oh! Thou hast summoned me?

Lol yes I 'summoned' you because I wanted you here for this dare for no reason *winks*

Swap: I got Wing!

Wing~ guess what I have~

Wing: what? Something annoying? I'm trying to take care of mphhh *author quickly covers mouth*

Spoiler alert! Wing! Look before you speak! Maestro is here!

Maestro: what does thou mean? Doest thou have secrets thou ist keeping from me?

Snap. Ok, you'll find out later! I can't tell you now! Let's just do the dare! It's for Dings!

Wing: oh come on!

If it wasn't, I wouldn't have made Swap get you! Let's get it over with ok guys?

Fell: can I go?

Nope! Your gonna want to stay for this Fell! It's going to be funny!
Fell: fine! But only if I can watch Dingus make a fool of himself.

Of course! That's what we are all here for! Even the readers lol! Forth wall just dies
Anyway, Wing was dared to yodel and dance in a funny outfit. I brought one over, here it is! *Throws Dings a tutu* put it onnnnn!
Wing: ughhhhhhhh I don't want to do thisssssss

Too bad~ put it on!

*Wing puts on the tutu. It looks weird because he's a skeleton and he's a guy* not that guys don't look awesome in tutus lol

Wing: yodeloooooooooo ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuyodellllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooollooo
*Does fortnight dance*

Well! I hope that satisfies you! Fell will never let Wing live it down now! *Fell be dying in the background*
This was requested by helloitsme001234567! Hope they liked it!
Feel free to request, but I am falling behind a little. Having a hard time on head cannons. Later!

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