Dare 1!

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Hello everyone! Today we have a dare from Thedonkeyking. Hope you enjoy it!

So guys, you ready?

Fell: I suppose... What is the question?

Oh today we have a dare, not a question! And I think you're off the hook for today Fell!

Fell: thank God......

B: aw come on it wasn't that bad!

Fell: it was pretty bad... I feel like all the humans are picking on me!

Stars: I guess they can tell you don't trust humans.

Wing: get on with it please!

Wow Dings, didn't think you would be so excited, especially since this dare is for you....

Wing: oh no...

Swap: well, i am excited! We have never had a dare before!

B: I am intrigued to find out what the dare is and what Dings shall answer.

Unfortunately, Maestro is not with us again today. This is the dare: Thedonkeyking said: I dare WingDings to tell everyone who his current crush is!

Wing: *facepalm*

*Everyone else starts laughing*

Wing: do I have to answer?

It's a dare so if you don't, then they get to ask you something else.

Wing: ugh fine! Ok, if I had to pick someone, it would probably be Stars! There, I said it, I'm done! Bye!
*Wing teleports away*

Welp, that happened! Soooo, good bye! Later you guys!

Love ya my doves!


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