Dare 9!

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Heyyyyyyyyyyy my boissssssssssssssss you all around? Good! Let's do this! We have another dare! It's from star-born-child! let's get started! So, are you all here?

Fell: yes, I am quite excited for this dare because I got a few hints of what it is~

Wing: yeahhhh I'm going to gooooooooooooooo

Lol nope Dingus

Swap: ya let's do this human!

I'm glad to hear you say that Swap, since it's for you! You were dared to say a curse word! I call getting to hit you with the pan!

Swap: what! I can't do that! That would be disgusting!

You have no choice! Do it!

Swap: uhhhh dickens?

That does not count.

Swap: damn?

Nope! :-)

Swap: ughhhhhhhhhhh! Shit, fuck, asshole, hoe, dick, Jesus, and potato Head!

Uhh ok sure let's go with that....
I'm kind of confused but ya. *Lightly taps with pan* there, punishment.

Swap: *flees the scene*

Fell: *dies*

Yup that's it! Hope you enjoyed! Wing Dingus left halfway through but it's fine! He's still taking care of B I guess. Sorry for the language in this chapter lol.

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