2nd One Shot!

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Hey guys! Request from @Samthebippy who requested this one shot. It's a WingDings x Reader. I'm not sure how it will turn out, so we shall see! Here we go!

I was up late trying to finish the book Maestro had brought me since he was coming tomorrow and I forgot to read it. I heard a bang and started up. I knew it was most likely WingDings up late as usual. I knew he stayed up almost all night, but I never stayed up late enough to actually hear him. I never had trouble falling asleep. When I had fallen down here, I had curled up in a ball and fell asleep and was still like that when Fell found me. So yeah, I slept easily. I got up and headed to the lab to check that Wings was ok. He was on the floor scribbling away in his notebook. I bent down and quietly asked him if he was ok and if he needed help. He looked up and said: no no, I'm quite alright! Well then, why are you still on the floor? I asked. Oh that! It's actually quite comfortable. He replied. I knew he was not telling me the truth, but I just picked him up, carried him to my room, and tossed him on my bed. He struggled and whined, but I grabbed him and made him stay. I held him in my lap and continued my book. I started absently stroking his head and felt him slowly fall asleep in my lap. When I finished the book, I placed my head on his and fell asleep with him in my arms.
Smol time skip~
The next morning, I had eye bags but Dings actually looked well rested for the first time in forever. I was able to give Maestro his book back and me and Dings slept together whenever I felt like making him, but he didn't really fight me anymore, I think he looked forward to it. Sometimes he even came and slept with me on his accord.

Well that was short and sweet! Hope you enjoyed! I realized that I am awful at writing Y/N halfway through and had to go back and say I. See ya later! 

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