question 3!

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This is another question from Thedonkeyking! Hope you like it!
You guys around?

Swap: oh hello again human! Wowie! Another question!

Yup! So Swap, where is everyone?

Swap: oh, B and Fell are watching a musical on the couch, Stars and Wing are working in the lab as always, SwapFell went to his hospital, and Maestro is on his way here.

Ok well this question is for Fell, but it will be more fun if everyone is here to hear his response!

Swap: ok, I can go get Fell, B, Stars, and Dings. We can wait till Maestro gets here, and Star can run to get SwapFell.

Ok that works, let's do this!

Swap: alright, I will be right back!

~five minutes later~

Ok, everyone is here now so let's get right to it! This question is for Fell! Fell, have you ever kissed anyone in the gang, either accidentally or on purpose? Just to make this interesting, you have to tell us who it was and whether it was on accident or planned.

Fell: oh boy... Ok yes, I kissed B a couple times as you all know, and that was on purpose except for the New Year's one, someone shoved me for that one. I also had to kind of kiss Swap that one time during the poky challenge. That's it.

B: * blushes deeply*

Swap: * giggles as he remembers that challenge*

Everyone: *laughs a little*

Ok that was answered well! Hope you are satisfied! This was answered kind of quickly because I have already done a question today, but since I will going to my grandparents soon, I probably won't have much time or internet soon. Just expect that everything might take a while.
Love ya guys!


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