question 6!

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Hey guys! We have a question from KakiTheCat! Hope you enjoy the answer! Where's the gang?

Fell: we're here. We were just grabbing WingDings.

Stars: huff, ugh yes, he's being a pain about it too.

Dings: *pouts*

B: hello humans, I've missed you, have you met my son?

Yeah we just introduced them. Say hi Kin!

Kin: hello!

So our question is for Kin: what were you doing while your dad was in the void?

Kin: oh! Well you see, I was quite a young child when my dad got lost, so Queen Toriel took care of me until I was about 14, which is when I went to boarding school. I graduated from college and because Royal Scientist for King Asriel. That's what I am currently doing, or was doing. Luckily I was given a few weeks to move into my new home so I shouldn't be missed. I'm very grateful for Maestro who found me and for all my dad's friends who have taken care of him. It's been wonderful having him around again.

B: *already crying a bit* I'm so sorry for missing all the important moments of your life!

Kin: *hugs B*

Wing: *sneaks away*

Swap: we are so happy for you and Kin, B!

Stars: we are trying our best to get B in a well enough state to return to his world. He has invited us all to stay with him until Maestro finds our worlds. *Looks around* where did Dings go?!

Fell: I'm going to punch him when I find him

B: my friends, let's let him work for now. This question is answered. Come Kin, let's go watch Hamilton or something.

Kin: yeah!

Aww sweetness ahhg I can't wait until I can finally make them happy in NewTale Gaster! Well I hope that's what you wanted, there is some stuff not written according to Bunnymuse's story. If you want the real story, go check her out on Deviantart! That's all for now, please request!

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