C11-- On The Internet

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C11—- On The Internet

Published by UntamedS on August 29, 2020

In fact, Qin Shen noticed it the moment when Xu Jian jumped into bed. He was completely awake when he patted his face with a soft meat pad and stood on a pillow and circled his head.

After all, cat hair was quite itchy when it grazed the cheeks.

Awake Qin Shen didn’t open his eyes immediately. It wasn’t uncommon for Xu Jian to jump out of bed, but it was the first time that he stuck to him. He enjoyed it and wanted to see what Xu Jian really wanted to do.

Xu Jian bounced on his chest, pulled his face, and arched him with his head. After all, he was the best actor, so his acting skills absolutely passed.

But when Xu Jian licked his face, Qin Shen failed and laughed.

There were many small barbs on the cat’s tongue. It didn’t hurt to be licked gently by Xu Jian, but it felt wonderful.

Qin Shen held out his hand and picked Xu Jian up and put him on his chest. There was no hoarseness in his voice:

“I caught you stealing a kiss, milk.”

While talking, Qin Shen also poked Xu Jian’s nose with his index finger, smiling.

Xu Jian didn’t expect Qin Shen to be awake, he also didn’t expect to lick somebody else, and he was caught on the spot.

Xu Jian, who was held by Qin Shen’s hands, stayed silent for a while and finally slowly lifted his claws under the gaze of Qin Shen …

Qin Shen thought that Milk wanted to lift his paw to give him a cat’s paw just like before, but the other covered his face with his paw.

See Xu Jian lift his claw over his face, Qin Shen was stunned for a moment, them hesitantly asked:

“Are you … embarrassed?”

Burying his cat face into his  meat pad Xu Jian didn’t meow, thinking-

I’m sorry, it’s not only my human face, but even my cat face has been thrown into my uncle’s house. [means as a human he’s embarrassed and as a cat, he’s also embarrassed]

Seeing Xu Jian silent, Qin Shen couldn’t help holding him, he jokingly said with a smile:

“You are a male cat, why are you so shy?”

Xu Jian, whose eyes were empty, retorted in his heart: Even male cats can be ashamed.

Xu Jian hasn’t figured out how he had just licked Qin Shen.

Qin Shen was very satisfied with Xu Jian’s compliant state. After kissing and kneading, he held him in his arms and covered him with the quilt. He rubbed his head with his cheek and said:

“It’s still early, milk, sleep with me for a while.”

Xu Jian, who just took advantage of others, was guilty. He struggled for a moment and let Qin Shen hold him.

Then I’ll just sleep with you and make it up to you …

Xu Jian, whose head rested on Qin Shen’s arm, had completely forgotten why he woke Qin Shen up so early.

He Woke Up And Became The Actor's CatWhere stories live. Discover now